chapter ten

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Sorry for this huge time skip lmao
Also this chapter contains physical and verbal abuse.

Amala's Pov

It's been about three whole months since the semester started. Me and billies relationship couldn't be anymore perfect. I'm currently at
the pool relaxing, taking time away from everyone. School has been really hectic. i think i'm going to drop out after this semester because i feel like college is a huge waste of time. In my opinion i just feel like i wasted 1 whole ass year of my life working towards something that probably is not going to get me anywhere besides a stupid play in a state. But if you do decide to continue school, doing it on the ocean is definitely the way to do it. it's so relaxing here. you get to also see the world.

"Amala, baby." i hear as i'm snapped out of my thoughts

"Yeah?" i as whole turning my head to see billie

"Can i join you?" she asks

I'm in a red polka dotted bikini and billie is wearing her usual baggy look next to a swimming pool:

I'm in a red polka dotted bikini and billie is wearing her usual baggy look next to a swimming pool:

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"why do polka dots make you look even thicker than you already are?" billie asks

i nervously laugh at her statement and look away. i've been feeling very off lately. i feel like some weird shit is about to go down but i can't just put my finger on it.

"i'm gonna go." i say while getting up

i look back at billie and see a confused look on her face.

i walk off the deck and into the halls where all of the suites are. All of a sudden something hits me causing a very sharp pain in my head. the last thing i remember was falling to the ground and blacking out...

I wake up in pain. i look around and i don't recognize the suite i'm in. this room isn't mine nor billies. i try to move but i can't. i am handcuffed to the bed, unable to move my arms or legs. i try to scream but i cant because there is about 3 layers of duct tape covering my mouth. all that is coming out are muffled cries. I see the door open in the corner of the room. Someone enters and it is the guy from mine and billies lecture. The guy that started flirting with me. His friend also follows him into the room. My eyes at this point are flooded with tears. They both walk to one side of the bed and look down at me.

Billies Pov

I am currently alone in me and amala's suite. she hasn't come home yet and i'm starting to get worried because it's 1am. As far as i know there are no parties going on tonight. i haven't seen her since the pool at around 4pm. I think to myself that she is hanging out with Cameron so i can make myself feel better. I contemplate on calling cameron because i am a worried girlfriend.

"Hey cam, is amala with you?" i ask with a worried tone

"No, i haven't seen her since this morning, why?"

"She hasn't come home yet. i haven't seen her since i saw her at pool today and that was at like 4" i say back

"have you tried calling her to see where she's at?" he asks

"no, i'll do that now. i'll let you know if she answers"

i start calling amala

Amala's Pov

I hear my phone ring non stop. that is probably billie trying to find out where i am. One of the guys walks to my phone and walks over to me. He texts billie in front of me.

my baby 😖♥️

i am fine. you can stop calling me.

my baby 😖♥️: okay good, next time let me know where you are mama i was worried about you 🥺

i start crying more when she sends that because little does she know i've been abducted. This makes me hurt even more because my suite is literally right next door down to this one and she doesn't even know what is happening.

the guy walks away and reaches into the drawer and grabs scissors. he walks over to me and glides the tip of the scissors over my stomach. He then opens the scissors and cuts off my bikini top and bottom leaving me fully exposed to him and his friend. one of the men walks up to me and rips the duct tape off of my mouth. i almost scream because it was so painful but i knew that if i would have screamed something bad would have happened.

I knew something was off. i didn't feel right today because i new something bad was about to happen. i should have stayed with billie. Billie, oh god, i hope they don't hurt billie.

the guy walks up to me and sets a knife on the dresser beside the bed.

"If you make any sudden movements i will cut you" he says

his friend uncuffs my ankles from the foot board

"w-why are you d-do-doing this to m-me" i manage to say

"because i want you. but you don't want me, so this is the only way i could get you. and after i am done with you, i'm going to make sure nobody ever finds out about this." he says

"w-what do you m-mean" i stutter

"i will kill you" he says with his voice sounding cold and careless

i spit out a dry laugh

"that isn't going to work, billie will find me. my friends are going to get suspicious and find me." i say with hope

"shut up!" he yells

should i scream? if i scream there is a chance that billie will hear judging by the fact our suite is next door. but if i scream i could get hurt. i could potentially be killed.

I see the man undress his lower half and walk over to the bed and get on top of me. i know what is about to happen and i can't do anything about it so i just close my eyes because i'm helpless. the man spreads my legs and starts raping me right then and there. i let out a loud scream in hopes billie will hear and recognize it. the man grabs the knife and slices from my hip down to my knee causing me to scream louder due to the pain.

At this point i just want him to kill me already. I don't want to go through this anymore than i already have.

The only words i were thinking at this moment were

please pass out, please pass out, please pass out

Soooo, i have another book in the works called "Needing You" its a book based on Billie and a girl named Evangeline who moves all the way from london to Los Angeles to study medicine. The first chapter will be released some time next week because i want to work ahead on some of the chapters in that book. I hope you will read it!

Anyways, this chapter is intense. What do you think is gonna happen to Amala? Do you think billie will find her soon?

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