chapter 11

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I wake up, dizzy and in pain. My arms are still cuffed to the bed but my ankles aren't. I try and think of some way to escape. It is completely silent so i'm assuming nobody is here at the moment but they could be sleeping. i look down at my thigh, it looks so bad, i'm literally laying in my own blood. I see my phone on the nightstand beside me but i don't know how to get it. i also don't know how i would call for help. The knife is also on the nightstand but i don't know if that would help any. I feel so weak due to the large amount of blood i've lost.

Her hands are cuffed to the bed like this:

Her hands are cuffed to the bed like this:

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"oh my god" i mumble to myself

i remember i had bobby pins in my hair to keep my hair out of my face while at the pool yesterday. I try and scoot my body up a little bit so one of my hands can get a bobby pin.

"yes!" i mumble to myself as i got it from my wig

once i get it, i start picking at the key hole with the bobby pin.


i got one of the handcuffs unlocked, i do the same to the other one.


once i am successfully uncuffed, i have an adrenaline rush because what if i get caught like this? they will hurt me. i need to think fast.

i contemplate on grabbing my phone and texting billie or just trying to get the fuck out of here.

it's monday, so she is at her lectures. i decide to text billie to go get help and then meet me at the suite.

my baby 😖❤️

billie, get security and go to our suite now

what why, are you okay?

billie just do it

i get out of the bed but i fall to the floor because of my thigh being cut the way it is. i get back up barely being able to walk. i grab the knife and my phone. i get one of the guys shirts that was laying around and i slip it on. i open the door to the room and see one of the guys sleeping on the couch.

i put my hand over my mouth. i start walking fast to the door even though this hurts like a bitch. once i got to the door i start shaking as i'm unlocking it.

"where do you think you're going?" i hear the guy ask

i turn my head and see i'm getting up from the couch. he runs to me and i open the door to this suite. i start running down the hall.
i fall and i scream for help

"HELP!" i scream

Billies Pov

My heart is racing because i'm very worried at the moment. I am running to my suite with a security person behind me.

I hear a very familiar voice scream for help.

Once i turn the corner i see amala being dragged by the fucking cunt who was flirting with her in our lecture. once the guy sees the security guard he bolts. But how far are you going to fucking get in the middle of the ocean. What is he gonna do, jump in? The security guard runs after him and i run to amala falling to the ground once i get to her. Amala just falls apart because of everything that happened.

"Babygirl what happened?" i ask while crying with her

"w-when i w-as wa-walking to our s-sui-suite yesterday-" she gets cut off by her own sobs due to the traumatic experience and pain

i see blood going down her leg. i lift up the shirt she was wearing to see her leg was sliced from her hip to her knee.

"oh my god" i whisper

i pick her up and carry her to the security personnel. while walking there people were just staring at us. i could care less at this point. once i get there the security gets up and immediately walk to us. one of them calls a helicopter guy to come at get amala.

"what happened?" i hear one of the guards ask

"someone took me yesterday and held me over night. i was handcuffed to the bed the whole time. he raped me and when i screamed, he sliced my thigh. when i woke up i managed to get a bobby pin from my hair and get the handcuffs off. i then got out of the bed falling to the floor i texted my girlfriend billie which is her and then i was ended up running even though i am in great pain. the guy saw me trying to leave but i still managed to escape. now here we are." amala said as she was a stuttering mess. it kind of didn't make sense but i expected it not to

i get emotional when she said "i screamed and he sliced my thigh" because i heard that scream but didn't think anything of it.

"what are we going to do with her?" i ask.

"a helicopter is coming to get her" a guard says

"what are we gonna do with her right now?" i ask

"well you, can go back to class" the guard says

"fuck no! i'm staying here with my girlfriend!" i shout "you still never answered my damn question" i yell

"i'm sorry, we just have to wait until the helicopter gets here."

i take off my shirt leaving me in inly a tank top.

"turn away please" i demand

the guards turn away i take off amala's current shirt to use for later. i use my shirt and put it on her. i take the shirt she had on previously.

"baby this is gonna hurt" i say

i tightly wrap her previous shirt on her thigh tight so she can stop bleeding.

amala screams due to the pain.

"im so sorry mama. this hopefully will help." i say while wiping her tears

the helicopter arrives and they put amala on a stretcher. i follow them to the helipad.

"miss i'm sorry but you have to stay here" the guy says

"hell no!" i say whole hopping into the helicopter

"ma'am you can't be here!" the guy says again

"just let her fucking stay, she's my girlfriend and i need her!" amala yells

we start flying and i just sit there thinking about the ways i could have prevented this. i could have saved her last night if i did something about the scream.

this shit was happening next door and i had no idea. my girlfriend was suffering a few feet away from me and i didn't even know.


How do you feel about all of this?

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