chapter 6

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Billies Pov

After a long night of hanging out, cuddling, kissing... I wake up with amala laying on her back and with me having one arm and my head on her chest.

"Amala, wake up." I say softly

"But why?" She asks in a sleepy voice

"I wanna talk with you"

"A few more minutes, please" she says while turning over putting the blanket over her more

"Fine, only for you." I say while laying back down going on my phone

Amala's Pov

I wake up and I make myself get out of bed before I fall back asleep. When I get out of bed, my skirt is rolled up to my waist exposing my underwear.

"Fuck, how did that even happen?" I mumble pulling it down

"Nice thighs" billie states

I nervously giggle a bit while walking out of billies room to mine. I go and grab clothes and then go to the bathroom out in the hall cause my room doesn't have a personal bathroom like billies.

I shower and then change

I shower and then change

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Amalas outfit

Once I come out of the bathroom from getting ready, I see billie on the couch watching the office.

"When does the semester start again?" I ask with a frown

"In two days"

I scoff

"I think I'm gonna drop out after this year" I say while plopping down by her

"Me too because I want to make music with my brother"

"I don't even know what I'm gonna do yet. I mean I want to get the degree for vocal performance but I feel like that's not gonna get me far" i say while looking at her

"I bet you can get far without the degree. I mean some of the icons from today came from nothing. Like Oprah, Celine Dion, Jennifer Lopez. That's just three of many. Jlo left her family and was homeless just so she can pursue her dream. Now look where she is. I support you on whatever you decide. I am probably quitting after this year too" she says

"Thanks bil" i say while smiling at her getting emotional for nothing "lord I think I'm getting my period soon" I laugh

I scoot closer to billie and i straddle her on the couch.

Billie holds me there by placing her hands on my hips. I lean in and kiss her plump lips. She pulls away placing kisses along my collarbone and my neck. I pull her chin back up to my lips and that leaves us both fighting for dominance.

*knock knock knock"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Billie mumbles

I get off of her and she goes to answer the door. I follow her to see that it's stacie and Lexie. I see stacie smirking because I noticed her looking at the two hickeys marked on my neck.

"Alright, me and stacie were wondering if you and amala would want to go with us to the beach when we get to Aruba tomorrow?" Lexie asks

"Yeah sure, sounds fun." Billie says while looking at me

"Yeah, I'll join you guys" i say smiling

"Okay, is that all guys cause i was in the middle of something" billie says clearly annoyed

"Yeah i could tell" Lexie says while scoffing

I roll my eyes

"Well i was wondering if you guys were gonna go today and pick the classes you want" stacie asks

"Fuck, I forgot about that" i say

"Yeah, we are going. Now bye.." billie says while shutting the door in their faces

"Lexie seems like she doesn't like me" i say

"Cause she's jealous. She used to have a crush on me in high school all the way until now. She has a boyfriend but I think she just got with him cause her parents are homophobic as shit. I never got with her because I see her more of my best friend than anything else." Billie says

"I'm gonna take advantage of her jealously and make her even more jealous" I say smirking

"You're an evil one amala" billie says while laughing a bit

"You need to go get ready. That thing where we pick out classes is in like 30 minutes" i say

"Okay I'm gonna shower. Wanna join me" billie asks

"Baby, I already showered today" I reply

"I was only kidding Dlamini"

"OOH, THEY HAVE A HARMONY CLASS! THEY DIDN'T LET ME JOIN LAST YEAR CAUSE IT WAS FULL!!" I yell excitedly dragging billies hand to sign up with me

I sign up for that, as does billie

"Oh my god, baby!!! They have open slots for a vocal techniques class!" I drag her over there as well

"Slow down amala" Billie says while laughing at how excited I am

"They also have a class for beat making!! God i love this place!" I say as I'm signing up

"I'm hungry Amala I'm gonna go get food and then meet you back at the suite okay?" she tells me

"Okay see you there. I'll be back after I'm done looking at everything" i say back giving her a reassuring smile.

I get back to the suite two hours later.

"Alright bye Cam, see you tomorrow" I shout acting weird

I walk in seeing billie sitting on the couch

"Are you drunk?" She asks

"No" i say while smiling

"Come here" she says

"Yes you are Amala"

"Nuh uh, some people just have the natural energy  of a crackhead. And even if I was it's no biggie. Not like I haven't been drunk before." I say with a small laugh

I sit down next to billie and rest my head on her shoulder

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