chapter 18

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Me and Billie arrive back at the hotel. once she gets in, she goes to grab her suitcases and then sits on the bed. It is currently 2:13 and her flight is at three so i don't know what she's doing.

"Tell me not to go" billie says while looking right into my eyes

"Wait what?" i ask shocked as to what she just said

"Tell me to stay, we can go back to LA and start life together. We can start on music and take it from there" she replies

"No billie, you need to go back to school. I know that this is what you want to do. You shouldn't drop that for me" i reply

"I would drop anything for you if you would ask me to." she says while standing up

"Well billie im not asking you. You want to go back to school, so you're going. the ship is going out of its way to dock in LA with you" i reply again

"Okay, lets go then." she grabs her bags and walks out of the door

"Okay we need to hurry, the airport is 45 minutes away from here!" i say as we are both quickly walking to the rental car.

We hop in the car and billie starts speeding to the airport

"Baby, slow down." i say to her

she listens to my request and slows down a bit but not much

we arrive at the airport 40 minutes later. I feel tears start to form in my eyes knowing that once billie leaves right here to walk through security, that's it, i won't see her for 3 years. Well besides when i go to get my things and when she visits for breaks and all that.

Billie and i stop right before she walks in security. She turns to face me and she grabs my hands and interlaces our fingers. I let go of her hands and i decide to give her a hug instead. This is when all hell breaks loose. I am now sobbing into my girlfriends neck. I hear billie sniffle as an indicator that she is crying too. i pull out of the hug to see her eyes and cheeks are red. I put both of my hands on her cheeks and pull her face closer to mine. I lock our lips together and softly kiss her passionately. I pull away and look at her eyes. i peck her lips again.

"I love you so much Billie"

"I love you so fucking much Amala, you don't even know" billie kisses me again "i have to go now baby. i'll call you when i land i love you"

I just stand there helpless and a wreck watching her walk through the security line. I sigh when i don't see her anymore. I walk out of the airport and back to the car. I sit there for a second and just cry. God why am i so emotional. I shouldn't be this emotional.

Once i've calmed down, i start the car and start driving back to the hotel.

Once i get back, i sit down on the bed and look around the room. I notice something on the dresser. It's one of billies hoodies and the perfume that she always wears. I slip on the hoodie immediately and then spray on some of the perfume that was laying there. I then go back onto the bed and curl up into the blanket. I eventually find myself drifting off to sleep.

1 Week Later
Billies Pov

Amala is supposed to be coming today, any time now actually. I am excited to see her again even though it hasn't been that long. I am sitting here with lexie and we are watching a movie at my same old suite from before.

"I've missed you bil" i hear lexie say as she is looking over at me "how are you going to work out this long distance stuff with Amala, isn't that going to be hard. And aren't we here for what, three more years?" she asks

"yeah but me and amala have everything sorted out. it's all going to work out in the end" i reply

"three years though, that's a long time. She could move on in the next month if she really wanted to." she says

Lexie is kind of right. Amala is different though, she wouldn't do that.

"I think you both can move on to better people" lexie says in a low voice

i look down at lexie's lips then back up to her face. i bite my lip as i'm looking at her. Lexie moves closer to me. I look down at the ring Amala gave me.

"I can't hurt amala like this" i say nervously

"What she doesn't know can't hurt her" lexie says as she puts her hand on my thigh and tugs at the material

I slip off the ring Amala gave me and i set it on the table. i look back at lexie and i bite my lip.

Sexual Warning ⚠️ Bold line is the end

I straddle lexie's lao on the couch and then i crash our lips together. I feel lexie slip her hand down the front of my pants. She then slips it through my underwear and start rubbing me softly. I moan into the kiss. i stop and then i take her shirt off. She wasn't wearing a bra so i just stare at her exposed boobs.

i grind on top of lexie's fingers to intensify the sensation I feel.

"Fuck" i moan

End of that

"What the hell is going on here!!" i hear someone yell

i look up to see amala standing in the middle of the living room staring and me and lexie.

"Ok great, this is just great" i see amala nod her head and walk to her old room.

She slams the door and i get off of lexie.

"Get dressed and get out"

"But-" i cut her off

"NOW" i scream

I run over to amala's door and knock on it. i hear her crying and packing I think. "amala please open the door and let me explain" i shout from behind the door.

Well that escalated quickly didn't it?

2 more chapters leftttt

I didn't edit this so let me know if anything doesn't make sense or if there are any errors

Thoughts, predictions?

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