chapter 13

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It has been at least a week and a half, my leg is healing fine so no infection so far. Billie and I go to testify along with the men who did what they did to me tomorrow. We are in Florida right now to testify, i got to leave the hospital yesterday and a hotel is payed for until we leave back to school.

"bil, i'm so nervous" i say while looking at her

"Baby, everything is gonna be okay. they are gonna go to jail and everything is gonna end up okay. We're gonna finish up school together after all of this and then become famous."

i smile at the thought of her thinking into our future

"i love you billie" i say while smiling at her

"I love you too amala" billie says back while grabbing my hand

billie leans in and kisses me. before things can escalate, i pull away and lay down in the bed. once i lay down i feel billie wrap her arms around me and lay her head in the crook of my neck.

"i'm so nervous bil, i can't stop thinking about it" i say turning to face her causing her to have to move l.

"why baby" she asks

"because, what if they don't go to jail? that's not fair if they get away with something like this"

"i guarantee you that they will though because what they did to you is messed up and they deserve to be locked up" she wipes the tear that was rolling down my cheek "we are gonna go there in the morning and tell them everything that happened and then they are going to be guilty. After that, we will come back to this hotel and have celebratory sex!" billie says and i laugh a bit

"sounds like a plan" i reply

after a bit, we end up falling asleep

"Amala wake up, we have to get ready to go testify" billie says in a worried tone

i sigh and slowly get up.

"Today is gonna suck ass." i say rummaging through my bag to try and find my pain medicine for my thigh because it hurts "fuck!"

"what's wrong mama" billie yells from the bathroom

"i can't find my fucking medicine" i shout

"calm down, i'll help you find it" billie walks over to me and snatches the bag from me and she starts searching through it

"why are you so mad?" i ask

"because you're flipping out over the stupidest shit! ever since i told you about us having to testify you've been annoyed with every little stupid thing such as this. also here i found it." she snaps as she hands me the bottle

"Well billie if i didn't find that medicine, my leg could get infected" i stand up starting to follow her

"Don't you think i know that!!?" billie turns around and screams "I'm sorry but it's this isn't only effecting you! I've been there for you everytime you cried to make you feel better, i was there everytime you had a meltdown to calm you down. But have you ever thought that this impacted me? Have you ever asked how i was feeling through this whole experience?" she scoffs and walks away clearly infuriated

i feel myself starting to cry but i turn away and go to my suit case to pick an outfit. You know, she's right. I never thought about how this might have effected her. I end up picking out a black dress with black heels and a black sort of laced cover for the dress. I see billie has a suit on with a white shirt, a black coat, and black pants and shoes.

"You ready?" billie asks clearly still upset

i nod my head and follow her out the door. we get to the car and we both get in and billie starts driving to the courthouse.

"i'm sorry bil" i look down "i should have thought of you more so i'm sorry"

billie reaches over to grab my hand and she holds it.

"don't worry about it baby" she says as she gives my hand a reassuring squeeze "i shouldn't have snapped at you like that. i love you" she smiles a bit

"i love you too bil" i look over at her "thanks for being here throughout this."

"It's no problem mama" she says calmly

shortly after, we arrive at the courthouse and i feel my heart beat a million miles a second. I bring billie closer to me and tighten my grip on her hand.

"hey, i'm right here, calm down it's okay" she whispers

Billie and I are guided to the courtroom and we meet with our lawyer at the front where we are to be seated.

"How are you guys feeling?" our lawyer asked

"could be better" billie says

i stay silent and just look at the door where he is supposed to come in at. I feel a hand touch my shoulder and i jump at the touch. i look over and billie patting my back.

i hear the door on the other side of the court room open and he walks through the door.

my heart starts beating faster as me and him make direct eye contact. I look over to billie and see that she is staring at him too. She looks like she wants to push him off a roof or something. I see the bailiff walk to the middle of the room.

(the bailiff is the person who announces the judge and looks after the defendant which is the person who commits the crime. just in case you're wondering)

" Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge Lillian Jackson presiding." the bailiff says

"Everyone but the Jury may be seated at this time"

Hi guys. So the next chapter will be when the criminal gets proven guilty or not. I did a lot of research for this upcoming chapter. It's gonna be a big one just letting you know. I found a court script online so i will put that at the end of next chapter just to credit it.

Also, i have the rest of the story mapped out and let me tell you, you are not ready.

What do you think is going to happen?

i also will be updating every weekend and maybe before depending if i'm not busy. I will update this story on saturdays and "Needing You" on sunday's.

Thanks you all for the support on this story.

THANK YOU so much for almost 650 reads!!

Last thing, I didn't edit this chapter at all so let me know if there are any errors.

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