chapter 9

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Billies Pov

I am currently alone in the suite just laying on the couch with my eyes closed because i'm not really feeling well. i hear amala walk into the suite, at least i think it's amala..

"billie, what are you doing? the party starts in like 30 minutes!" lexie says

"i don't think i'm gonna go lex." i say lowly

"Why!?" she asks

"because i'm not really feeling well"

"i'm sure you will feel better once you get moving" she says while grabbing my hand trying to get me off the couch

"Lexie! i said i'm not feeling well so i am not gonna go!" i yell "now please get out and let me rest!"

"i won't leave, i'll stay here with you. i'll go get you some food if you'd like?" she says

"thank you, get me lentil soup please" i say with a small smile

she nods and leaves the suite. i curl into the blanket and close my eyes.

she never came back...

I wake up and i see that it's dark outside. i check my phone and see that it's 4:27am.

"holy shit" i mumble

i walk to amala's room and climb into bed with her.

"feeling better?" i hear amala ask with a raspy voice

"yeah, just needed a little rest i guess."

she turns around to look at me

"you're so pretty baby" she says while putting her hand on my cheek

"no, that's all you mama" i say and i see her blush

i wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer, i kiss her.

Amala's Pov

As the kiss deepens, a small moan escapes billies lips. i pull away then get out of bed because it's now 5am and lectures start in 2 hours.

"aw man, fuck lectures bro" billie pouts

i laugh

i'm now in my final lecture of today and i am so excited to leave and eat. god damn i'm so hungry right now. it's so crazy that i miss billie and it hasn't even been that long since i've seen her. as i'm deep in my thoughts, the teacher dismisses us. i grab my bag and i leave this lecture. I walk to my suite and see billie already there.

"Hey mama, there is a deck party tonight that lexie is throwing. wanna come with?" she asks while chugging a big bottle of water

"yeah, why not" i say

"well it starts at 6 tonight so we have a lot of time" she says

"i have to finish some work for financing. i'll be out when i'm finished" i smile and go to my room and shut the door.

i sit at my desk and unpack my work from my bag and get out my laptop to start working.

it's now 4pm and i've finished my work. i walk out of my room to see billie passed out on the couch. i walk over and slightly shake her.

"billie wake up" i say "i'm gonna go shower, so you should start getting ready too"

"can i come with you" she says with her eyes closed

"okay" i smirk even though she can't see me

her eyes shoot open and she stands up

i walk to my room to get my clothes, as does billie. i walk into her room and into the bathroom. i then turn on the water to the shower.

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