Her life now

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Miaka has finally adapted to her new life in Musatafu. She still stayed in the forest where she first woke up in. After all these years from hiding, she was used to living off the grid. It was easier. What she couldn't get used to was the fact she did stop aging. It's been three years since she's been here and she hasn't aged a day. She was exactly the same as she was before. Right now, she was 18. She still looked 15. It seems the cruel god did stop her bio clock. She sighed.

Izuku has become a part of her new life. He would always meet up with her whenever he can and would tell her what hero fights he had seen. Apparently in this world, there are ACTUAL heroes and villains. The good guys fight the bad guys. If she hadn't seen it in front of her, she would have never believed it. Izuku would even analyze their quirks, impressing the diclonius. He can really get to the details with just watching. Although, he did mutter about them or whenever he was on a rant. She thought it was cute. He would also ask about hers, but it wasn't really a quirk....maybe. It does fall underneath that category. It technically was a mutation and it granted the females vectors that can slice and explode, depending on the the molecular density....Now that she really thought about it, it could. She could even walk outside without looking too different. She wasn't used to such.... normality. Izuku always invited her to go out with him to eat some food and even invited her to his mother. Another thing she wasn't used to was the hospitality of the older woman. She knew how to act, but felt she didn't deserve it. After all, she had pulled off so many things in her past. His mother, Inko, smiled and always greeted her when she came by. It was nice of her son, Izuku, to make other friends, even if they were different age.

Other than the Midoriya family, she had gotten used to the idea of Katsuki. Whenever she finds Izuku and Katsuki bullying him, she came in to scare the angry little boy. What was funny was that he thought Izuku had a quirk initially because his mother had a similar quirk was basically a weak form of telekinesis. They did come to the conclusion that Izuku was quirkless eventually. He even came on his own to confront her, screaming and yelling into the forest. He tried, until she managed to recreate a monster form of a main character from an anime in her old life. With the increased range and vectors she had somehow managed to get, she recreated the form and was the origin of an urban legend that many pro heroes tried to investigate. Not that it did much.

When you take away the people that she has gotten used to, she was left with her thoughts and new abilities. Every diclonius, minus Lucy, had a limit of how long and how many vectors were for each one. However, Miaka had managed to increase both limits. She had managed to accomplish 23 vectors so far. They ran faster and she was still able to handle to molecular movement better than before when she had only eight vectors. The range was something she never wanted to see. Lucy, the original queen, could make it worldwide. If her abilities were far exceeding what the others and hers used to be, she didn't dare try the world wide range. For now, Miaka kept it with 50 meters. There is also one other thing about her recent developments. The inner diclonius voice. Every single one had a voice inside them. It was what drove Lucy to kill out of jealousy and anger when she was a child. It was the same one that drove Nana to do whatever it took to make her father happy and Mariko to do whatever it took to make things entertaining and to see her father again. In her case, it wanted her to spread the diclonius virus, so she wouldn't feel alone again. She refused to listen. She wasn't that lonely and it would be better off for the diclonius race to die off. Technically, even though the antivirus was created and the world wide ban of diclonius births was placed in her time, Miaka was still able to find a good several diclonii who were out there and are even fifth generation diclonii.

Miaka sighed again as she collected her thoughts of this new world and her previous world. She sat up and ruffled her pink hair. She looked to the sun and figured Izuku was out of school. Maybe she can meet up with him. She walked across the branches that acted as bridges. She had barely made it to the ending treeline and was about to launch herself using her vectors to slingshot herself away from the park.

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