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Izuku came over to the park where Miaka's forest was. She needed to know that he told All Might that she was his cousin. He checked to see if anyone was nearby and went in as soon he didn't see anyone. He ran into the forest and went towards his best friend's tree. From being in the forest so many times, he knew where to go and what to avoid. He looked up as he got to her tree. Miaka was eating one of her sakuma drops that she had Izuku get for her. She was wearing olive green shorts and a black shirt underneath her usual black baggy denim jacket. She sees him panting as he came into the view. 

"Miaka! AllMightaskedaboutyouandItoldhimyouweremycousinandhelookedabitsuspiciouswhenIliedaboutyou!IkeptyoursecretbutI'mstillscaredhe'lllookintoyouandtrytofindyouandifhedoeshemightarrestyouforquir-"

"Izu-kun," Miaka gripped his cheeks with her vectors. "calm down. I know already." He was stunned. She knew.

"Y-you know already?"

"Yep. I have something that tells me if anyone were to research me. Don't worry so much Izuku. Now are you ok from yesterday?" He was still for a second and faced towards the ground. He nodded. "I'm sorry, Miaka."

"For what?"

"I just caused trouble for you yesterday when I grabbed All Might's leg and when I went to save Kacchan. You were exposed and seen." Miaka sighed and patted his head.

"Izuku, I did it because you and Katsuki were there. I wanted to save Katsuki and help you. Yes, I was seen, but I hid myself well enough for no one to see my face or hair. Don't worry about something that is my problem. I have done this for years and know my way around hiding from people."

"Y-years?" I nodded and patted his head.

"M-Mi-Miaka, h-how old are you?"


"B-b-but you have been saying that ever since I met you....who are you?" She merely smiled at him. 

"I'm Miaka. I am me and that's all you got to know Izu-kun. When I think you're ready or when the time comes, I will tell you the real truth. It won't be any time soon."

Izuku looked at her. Even though he wanted actual answers, he knew Miaka won't tell him anything until either of those conditions are met. He nodded and spent time talking to her about class and heroes. 

The upcoming days, Miaka noticed that Izuku wasn't coming as much anymore ever since meeting All Might. She knew he was training. She didn't mind. However, something did catch her attention. Katsuki came to the forest a couple of days after the sludge incident. He walked into the forest and just sat underneath a tree that was a little bit ways away from the edge of the tree line. He took out a curry bun and left another one in front of him. He started to eat his and watch the bun in front of him. 

She raised an eyebrow at the odd one's behavior. He never went into the forest. She was still mad at him for his cruel words against Izuku. Miaka sat at a tree in front of him and waited to see if he would break the silence. He did.

"You left the forest that day." It wasn't a question. He knew. She wrote on the ground with her vectors in front of him.


"You were there. With Deku." He felt a familiar feeling of being smacked on the back of his head. His mother would do that as well. He growled and bit into his curry bun. "Eat it before it gets cold!" Miaka looked at the curry bun and was hungry. She used her vector to levitate the bun to her. Katsuki watched the bun float up to the tree and continued to eat his own.

"Who are you really? You were the one who jumped in with De- Izuku. You were also the one who shattered all the windows in the classroom." Her anger rose from remembering his words. She didn't write out her anger.

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