They came back

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"Shouta, why did we have to come back here? And on our day off?!" Hizashi whined. The last time they came into the forest, he had nightmares for days! He was ready to run as he thought of the multiple insects and bugs that were in the forest. Aside from the nightmares and the bugs, he did take the issue seriously. There was someone here. Someone was in the forest, scaring civilians with its ghost act. As a pro hero, he wanted to stop whoever this person was. But as himself, he wanted to run and come back when it's daytime. At least he can see in the daytime!

"You know why. Someone is here and I need to know more on who is here." Hizashi only sighed. He did agree with the thought. He was wondering on who it was, but wanted to avoid the bugs as much as possible. 

"Fine! But if those bugs pop up again, I'm running!" Shouta only grunted. He knew Hizashi would....and he kinda wanted to see Hizashi pass out. It did become funny at times. They walked until they were close to where they met The Ghost. 

"So what do we know from last time?" Shouta asked to keep his friend distracted. 

"There's bugs."

"Other than that, idiot."

"There was the girl with the pink hair with white ribbons in her hair. Was she even real?"

"She might not have. My quirk didn't work on her." Hizashi began to think more on that night. 

"Those blue flames could have been hers."

"Still would have stopped those flames. They were free floating and nothing was burning." 

"Then there was....that thing."

"The monster." Hizashi and Shouta can remember vividly on the monster's ghastly appearance. The slick shine on its scaly lower half. The rippling muscles of the upper body that was as black as the tail. The ruffled fur that surrounded the neck. One thing that resonated with the two pro heroes was the head. It was a skull that resembled a ram with twisted horns and glowing red eyes that peered into them.

"Could it be possible that it's the girl?"

"It could be. She disappeared as soon as the monster got there. However, whatever was going on would have disappeared when I stared where she was. Whoever is behind this, we need answers."Hizashi nodded. They stood at the same clearing as they were before. There was a clear difference from the forest when it was the day and the night. The atmosphere was more peaceful. You didn't feel a weight on your shoulders. The two heroes looked around hoping to find some sort of clue as to analyze what had happened before. 

"You shouldn't have come here." They looked behind them, but didn't see anyone. The two men turned their eyes to the lowest tree branch of the tree behind them. It was the same girl from the night and in the same dress. Her eyes were nothing, but holes. Hizashi gulped a bit to see there was hollow eye sockets.

"Why is that?" Shouta asked.

"It's not safe for humans."

"Are you not one?" She tilted her head and sadly smiled.

"I haven't been a human in a long time." Hizashi decided to step in.

"What was the thing we saw that night?" 

"A monster." Both pro heroes twitched a bit. That was what it would technically be labeled as, but there was so many questions.

"And how did it come to be here?" The girl merely shrugged.

"I do not know, but it will be angry to see you two again. I suggest you leave. Please for your safety." Shouta and Hizashi looked at each other. There was no such things as ghosts. Ghost like quirks, maybe. But no actual ghosts. 

"What's your name?"

"I don't remember." Hizashi decided to ask his own questions.

"How did you die here in the forest? I don't remember ever there being a death in this park." 

"My body was never found. I died when I decided to end it all." Hizashi and Shouta winced a bit. She couldn't be any more than 16 and she decided to give up on life? They have seen it before, but it wasn't any easier when it came to listening or reading about it. 

"W-why though?" She smiled sadly and looked to the ground.

"When you run away for so long for someone's sake, you end up wanting to stop the running." She was interrupted by loud thudding. The two heroes tenses as they  see the blue flames appear again. Shouta took the time to erase the girl's quirk again, but it looked like that didn't work on her. He tsked. If the flames or the monster wasn't the part of her quirk, was all this real? The monster appeared and snarled at the two humans. Hizashi stood in front of Shouta, giving him a window to check the girl's quirk. It didn't work. She wasn't behind this. Whatever this was, the girl is either lying or something else is going on that he is not seeing. She rushed in behind the two heroes and hugged them around their necks.

"Please don't come back anymore, my heroes." She floated in front of them and stuck her hands on each of their chests. "Don't come back." She was suddenly grabbed from her body and was being shaken all about. Hizashi and Shouta tried to rush in to save her, but they were held down by something they could not see. They struggled to save the little ghost girl that was stuck in the claws of the dark entity in front of them. It opened its maw with a thick viscous slime coming down. 

"So! You decided to betray me! Well, it's not like you were of any use, girl." The monster growled out as his red eyes glowed brighter. His hand brought the girl closer and threw her in his mouth. He started to chew, causing her to let out a blood curdling scream the vibrated in the air. It struck the heroes hard to their core. They only heard those screams when villains would harm and mutilate their victims. Hizashi was ready to scream but the girl's arm was out and swiped her hand in a back handed motion. "GO!!"

"Whoa!!" Both of the men were dragged by an invisible hand. They were out of the forest, out of the park, and away from where the mysterious forest. Hizashi was the first to break the silence.

"Shouta... I think we need to regroup on this."

"Yeah." He looked over to Hizashi and saw that his friend was downtrodden over the girl's  sacrifice. "Hizashi..."

"She was real, Sho. I felt the forest become cold, but..."

"she felt warm, somehow." Hizashi only nodded, making Shouta sigh. He knew this mystery was anything but ordinary, but they need to go over what they know and see if they can launch an investigation on this so called monster.

"Come on Hizashi." They both left the park with a pink haired girl, feeling guilt for her tricks and lies. Although....

"God, they smelled good. If only, I wasn't stuck at being 15 for a little while longer."

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