Enrolling a new hero student

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Miaka had stayed in the Midoriya household for the week, waiting along Inko and Izuku on any news of his enrollment to U.A. According to what Izuku has told her, he let out a mighty punch on the giant testing robot they had. In his mind, he had possibly failed. Miaka had a bit of faith. She had a theory. However, she didn't want to raise his hopes too much. 

"Izuku?" Miaka looks over to Izuku at Inko's call. He was... smiling weirdly at his fish. She raised an eyebrow at the frozen boy. "Izuku?" Miaka used the back end of her chopsticks to poke Izuku. No reaction. "Izuku!"  Another poke at him was aimed, but he moved his head up to where Miaka basically booped his nose.


"Oops. Sorry, Izu." He rubbed his nose while Inko looked at her son in concern.

"Why are you smiling at that fish? Do you need a talk?"

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm fine."

"You sure? You didn't even react to when I poked you the first time."

"Miaka, please don't use your chopsticks to poke people." Inko sweatdropped.

"Ok." Inko sighed, but enjoyed the scenery. It was nice having someone with her and Izuku. It was less lonely.

Izuku was lifting a dumbell in the living room, lost in his thoughts, while Inko was checking the mail. Miaka was getting ready to head out to go back to the forest. She needed to keep her duties as the ghost after all. Just as she was about to leave, Inko started panicking.

"Izuku! I-It's here! It came!!" Inko popped through the doorway that was leading into the hallway. Miaka stood still, seeing a letter in her hand. She knew what it was. "It's your results!"

"R-really?!" Izuku went to get the envelope in his mother's hand. Sure enough, it was from U.A. Miaka decided to stick around to hear the results. Izuku went to his room. Inko was about to go in, but was stopped. 

"Mom, I- I kinda want to hear the results...by myself." Izuku said. Inko nodded, understanding that he wanted to hear it himself. It would lessen the pressure. Miaka nodded as well and Izuku shut the door. Miaka led Inko into the living room so she could pace in a bigger area and Izuku didn't have to hear it. 

"Miakaaaa~~~ I'm worried. What if he doesn't get in? He'll be crushed. What if he does get in? Then, he'll get hurt. But it's been his dream to be a hero ever since before he was five. Oooh, but he might get seriously hurt! What if the lessons are ones he can't handle?" Miaka can clearly see the frantic side was genetic. Like mother, like son, apparently. She sighed and held onto Inko's shoulders to get her to stand still.

"Inko, I know you love Izuku, but you got to have faith in him." Inko stopped and listened to the pink haired girl.

"I do, but-"

"I know there's a chance he will get hurt. There is always a chance that he will get hurt by anything yesterday, the day before and the day before that. The chances are still the same today. They may have been increased slightly because of him enrolling into U.A, but he knew what he was getting into the moment he wanted to be a hero and enrolled." Miaka remembered of how no one believing in his dream. "All his life, everyone told him he could never be a hero the way he was because he was quirkless. Everyone was born with a quirk. They thought he could never do it, but he ended up having his this late in life as opposed to never. He had worked hard to get used to using it. He had worked harder than anyone else because he wants this so badly. I'm worried for him too, but he is strong enough to handle whatever may come his way. If I'm wrong, you can hit me later on."

"Miaka! I would never hit you!" Inko started panicking and waving her arms around.

"I thought it would make you feel better."

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