11| Kids Meet And Greet

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Cheryl always wanted kids. The kids of Riverdale were like her children.

After what happened yesterday Cheryl has been avoiding Toni as much as possible. Toni hadn't said a word to Cheryl but good morning.

Cheryl had then realized that she has to speak to Toni because of the meet and freet so Cheryl took matters into her own hands and went up to Toni.

"You ready?" Cheryl asked, standing behind Toni. Toni jumped fianceé's voice.

Toni turned around with a smirk, "Oh, so she speaks?" Toni teased. Cheryl rolled her eyes at Toni.

"Are you ready or not, babe?" Cheryl asked, not realizing she had just called Toni babe.

Toni quirked a brow, a huge smile on her face.

"What?" Cheryl huffed out.

Toni walked up to her, wrapping her arms around her waist, looking up at the ocean blue eyes, "You, Just called me babe." Toni pointed out.

Cheryl's mouth hung open, she did. And she loves it.

"Okay? Is that a problem?" Cheryl tried to play it off as if it wasn't a big deal to her.

"No, No not at all. In fact, I have a pet name for you too." Toni smiled.

Cheryl wrapped her arms around Toni's shoulders.

"Yeah? Like what?" Cheryl smiled.

"Princess," Toni said simply, pecking Cheryl's lips.

"Princess? But I'm already a Princess." Cheryl raised a brow.

"Yeah. But you're also my princess." Toni smiled.

"True." Cheryl leaned in to kiss Toni.


"Have a good day." Cheryl waved at the group of kids with huge smiles on their faces.

Another group walked up to her.

"Hi! It's so nice to finally meet a princess! This is way better than meeting Princess Tiana at Disneyland!" The little girl smiles.

"Awww, thank you! It's so nice to meet you too! Do you have anything you want me to sign?" Cheryl asked with a friendly smile.

She's been smiling a lot more recently, she doesn't understand who or what did it but she's super grateful for it.

"Yes! Can you please sign this book? My best friend really likes to read and she couldn't come because she caught the flu." The little girl said.

"Aww. Tell your best friend I said to feel better." Toni smiled. The little girl nodded, handing Cheryl the book.

Cheryl quickly signed it then took a quick photo with the little girl.

The little girl waved, walking away with her mommy.

"We have 2 more," Toni said. Cheryl sighed, pleasing her head on Toni's broad shoulder.

A little boy walked up, he was with his dad.

He seemed sad.

"Hey, little guy! Why the long face?" Toni asked.

The little boy sighed sadly, " My mommy is having another baby." He pouted.

"Oh really? Congratulations! That's good!" Cheryl told the little boy but the boy objected quickly.

"No! I don't want to be a big brother!" He said. Toni honestly felt bad.

"Well, That's how life goes. But hey! You're gonna enjoy it! When I tell you that you are gonna be very overprotective with he or she, you will. But just think about it. You have time." Toni smiled.

"Okay." The boy seemed to cheer up a bit.

After that, the meet and greet was over. Toni went back inside to take a shower.


Toni was in the bathroom, taking a shower. Cheryl was in the bedroom on her phone.

Cheryl really had to use the bathroom but she didn't want to leave the room, she had an ensuite for a reason but Toni was occupying it.

Cheryl said, "strew it!" She got up and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" She heard Toni's muffled voice from behind the door.

"I have to pee!" Cheryl said.

"This is a castle! Go use the bathroom somewhere else!" Toni said.

"I'm not allowed to roam the castle after hours," Cheryl said. Which is true the last time she and Jason roamed the castle when hours were over she and Jason were grounded.

"Oh. Right!" Toni said. She made the curtain was fully closed.

"Come in!" Toni said. Cheryl opened the door.

A bunch of steam hit Cheryl in the face.

Cheryl quickly did her business. She couldn't help but notice the boxes that sat on the floor. Then she remembered that Toni is intersex.

Cheryl felt like she was invading Toni's privacy so she quickly left out the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

She plumped back down on the bed, sighing as she felt more comfortable now that she released her bladder.


"That was a good shower," Toni said, walking out the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her.

Cheryl looked up, then quickly looked back down.

"Oh right! Sorry." Toni apologized, walking into the closet.

About 5 more minutes later, Toni walked out of the closet fully dress, hair wet.

Cheryl thought she looked sexy. Toni put her hair in a messy bun, plumping down in bed next to Cheryl.

Toni checked the time, 10:56 PM. Toni sighed, checking her Instagram.

Toni was never Instagram famous or she was never even noticed, but now everyone notices her.

She has to walk around with guards now.

Her Instagram had the follower count of almost 100k followers but she only was following 10 people.

Those 10 people were; Jace, Cameron, Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, The king, The queen, the Royal comity, Renesme, and Emily.

Cheryl sighed, placing her phone on the nightstand.

She turned the TV to a low volume, getting under the covers.

Toni did the same, Cheryl cuddled into her, laying her head on her chest.

"Good night." Cheryl yawned.

"Good night," Toni said, kissing the crown of Cheryl's head.

Toni sighed. The 3 words and 8 letters at the tip of her tongue.

She doesn't remember the last time she's ever said those words to anyone.

Her previous relationships didn't end well because that person didn't accept her situation with her intersexually.

They'd sleep with Toni then leave. But Toni never really loved them.

She can't love Cheryl, Right?

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