53| Romantic getaway

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Smut warning

Toni and Cheryl were packing to go on a romantic getaway.

Just her and Toni. "Babe, Did you pack sunscreen?" Cheryl asked.

Toni walked out of the connected bathroom. "Mhm. Just check to make sure." Toni nodded.

"Okay." Cheryl said, opening the bag.

Addison and Adelaine walked in with Amari trailing behind them.

"Mama and mommy is always leaving us." They pouted.

"Baby. We are only gonna be gone for 4 days." Cheryl giggled.

"still." Addison said.

"you'll be fine. Bedsides grandma and grandpa will be here with you." Toni said.

"Oh! Then you can go." Adelaine nodded.

"Wow. Now I feel unloved." Cheryl said playfully.

"Adel. You made mommy feel sad." Addison pouted.

"I'm sorry mommy." Adelaine went to give Cheryl a hug.

"I was just joking. It's fine, baby." Cheryl said with a small smile.

The couple brought their bags downstairs, placing them by the door.

"You guys will be back, Right?" Addison asked.

"Of course, baby." Cheryl smiled, picking her up.

Addison nodded, approvingly.

The doorbell ranged as Toni opened the door.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Adelaine and Addison cheered as Amari clapped.

"Hey!" They smiled, picking them up.


Toni and Cheryl had just landed in the Bahamas.

They didn't waste any time getting their clothes off each other.

"Fuck, Cher." Toni moaned as Cheryl sucked on her nipple.

Cheryl smirked, leaning up to kiss Toni on her lips.

Cheryl aligned herself with Toni tip, slowly sinking down on Toni's member.

Both girls moaned at the feeling. Yes, Toni had a condom on.

"Mmm! Yes!" Cheryl moaned as she rode Toni.

Toni reached up, playing with Cheryl's nipples.

"Fuck! I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum!" Cheryl moaned.

Toni flipped them around. "Hold it." She growled, pounding into Cheryl.

Cheryl cried out in pure bliss. It's been a while since she and Toni did this. It felt fucking amazing.

"I-I can't hold it any longer!" Cheryl moaned as she came.

Toni grunted, feeling her edge coming.

"Fuck!" Toni moaned as she came, her white ropes shooting into the condom.

She plumped down next to Cheryl, pulling the condom off.

"Oh my God..." Cheryl whispered, feeling amazing.

"Fuck, I missed that." Toni sighed.

"Same." Cheryl chuckled out of breath.

after about 10 minutes of resting, Cheryl smirked, sitting up to look at Toni.

"Round 2?" She smirked.

I just wanted to get this short chapter up to let you know that this story is being continued bc some people asked lol. Yes! This story is being continued. A longer chapter coming your way soon!

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