38| Baby Shower!

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Everyone gathered at Choni's house for Baby A's baby shower. A is the first letter of the baby's name.

Jace and Cameron even attended too. Jace was 15, he was a football player. He had cancer but fight through it.

He and Renesme are a thing. Same as Cameron, he is also 15, fought cancer, and he is now the boyfriend of Emily Hastings.

"Congrats! On a boy. Finally, Topaz here was turning soft." Betty joked as she hands Cheryl the gift bag she and Veronica brought.

Toni playfully slaps her arm. She held Addison in her arms.

Cheryl held Adelaine to her side, her bump showing perfectly.

"I agree with Betts. Yesterday you literally dressed up as a ballerina for the girls." Cheryl cooed. Toni glared at her.

"Hey! I mean no harm, mon trésor." Cheryl said. Toni rolled her eyes.

Betty giggled. Tyson and Veronica walked up with their own little gift.

"I know, Betty and I got you something. But this is from Tyson." Veronica handed over the gift. Cheryl placed it down next to the stack of gifts.

"Thanks, guys." Cheryl smiled. They nodded, walking off.

Tyson stayed. "Hey, Adi and Adel wanna go and play?" He asked, Addison nodded but Adelaine rejected it.

Toni furrowed her brows, looking at Cheryl who just shrugged, taking another gift that her parents handed her.

"Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad." Cheryl smiled. They started a conversation.

Toni let Addison walk away hand in hand with Tyson. They sat on the ground next to Cheryl and Toni's chairs.

"What's wrong Adel? Don't you want to play with your big cousin and sister?" Toni asked softly.

"No!" Adelaine objected.

Toni took Adelaine out of Cheryl's lap. "What's wrong?" Tin asked.

"I tired," Adelaide said, rubbing her ocean blue eyes.

"Okay. Let's go." Toni got up.

"Where are you going?" Cheryl asked.

"I'll be back. Adel is tired. I'm gonna put her down for a nap." Toni smiled.

Cheryl nodded, letting Toni go.

Toni carried Adelaine into her and Addison's bedroom.

"mama. I want take this dress off. Please." Adelaine said, tugging at the dress. Toni pulled the dress off, letting the white T-shirt she had on show.

Toni removed her shoes. Then picked her up, going to sit in the rocking chair.


"Thanks! We needed this too." Cheryl said as she unwrapped the big box of newborn diapers. It was from Emily and Cameron.

Cheryl grabbed a gift bag."It's from Tyson." Cheryl smiled at her nephew-in-law.

She pulled out a blue shirt that says 'Mama's boy. And mommy's gangster.' Cheryl giggled at the saying.

"This is so cute!" Toni smiled.

Toni opened Renesme and Jace's gift. It was a pair of small Jordan sneakers and a sweatsuit to match it. Size newborn.

"Oh! He is definitely wearing this when we leave the hospital." Cheryl said. Toni chuckled.

Addison picked up a bag, Cheryl took it gently out of her hands. "Thanks, Adi," Cheryl said, kissing her lips softly. Edison smiled, sitting back down on the floor.

Cheryl pulled out car keys. Toni and Cheryl furrowed their brows. The gift bag said it was from Toni and Cheryl's parents.

Adelaide, who just woke up from her nap, sat down next to her sister, smiling as Addison grabbed her hand.

"What?" Cheryl asked.

"Go look outside." Esme smiled. Toni got up. "Come on girls," Toni said, picking both of them up.

They walked to the door, opening it.

"NO WAY!" Cheryl yelled. It was a Tesla, sitting her driveway.

The color was Royal blue. Cheryl turned to her parents, tears beaming her eyes.

Clifford and Penelope pulled her in for a hug. "Don't cry cher. We figure since there will be an addition to the family, You'll need a bigger car." Clifford said, kissing the crown of Cheryl's head.

"Thank you," Cheryl said.

Toni gave her mom a hug, doing the same to the Blossoms.

"We really appreciate it." Toni smiled.

"YEAH!" Addison and Adelaine yelled. Everyone laughed.

Everyone went back inside, opening more gifts.

They got a car seat, more clothes, some rags, baby products.

Soon everyone started playing games. They had to guess the size of Cheryl's stomach.

Betty and Veronica won. Then they played guess how long she is. So basically Cheryl had put stuff around to give them clues.

Remsme and Emily won that one.


Everyone gathered around the table to eat some food.

Addison and Adelaine ate baked mac and cheese. Which they kept asking for.

Everyone was satisfied with the food.

Soon everyone left, Congratulating Toni and Cheryl again.


Cheryl and Toni bathed the twins and put them to bed.

Now, They were putting all the stuff in the unfinished room for Baby A.

They put the diapers and wipes in the closet, along with his clothes.

Cheryl smiled as she looked at the car keys that sat on the dresser.

Toni walked over, wrapping her arms around Cheryl, her hands landing on her stomach as she caressed it softly.

"I'm so happy they did that. I was literally looking at family cars." Toni chuckled.

"I am too. I'm really grateful to them. And you of course." Cheryl said, turning around in Toni's arms.

She pecked Toni's lips softly. "I love you." Toni said. "And you, of course, A." Toni added.

"We love you too." Cheryl replied.

Choni quote of the day!

"Flawless! As I've always known you to be."- 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙡 𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙢

𝓘 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓭 𝓐 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼Where stories live. Discover now