18| Trying For A Baby

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Y'all not ready...

Cheryl giggled as they entered the house, Toni kissing up and down her neck.

They kicked their shoes of not caring where they landed, they'd pick it up later.

Toni picked Cheryl up bridal style, carrying her up the stairs into their bedroom.

Toni bust through the door, closing it with her foot.

She placed Cheryl on the bed, pinning her hands above her head while she kissed up her neck and jawline.

Cheryl moaned, enjoying the feeling of her wife's tongue on her neck. Toni gently nibbled on Cheryl's neck, creating a visible love bite.

Toni pulled away, pulling off her shirt then Cheryl's shirt after.

She told Cheryl to lay against the pillows, to which she complied.

Toni unclipped Cheryl's bra, throwing it across the room.

She took a moment to admire Cheryl's breast, "You're so fucking sexy. I'm so lucky to have you." Toni declared, taking Cheryl's nipple in her mouth.

"God... I love your breast, the best thing ever." Toni whispered against the redhead's breast.

"Ugh..." Cheryl moaned. Toni sucked on her breast like there was no tomorrow.

"Q-quit teasing me." Cheryl moaned out. Toni chuckled but giving the girl what she wants.

Toni pulled down Cheryl's pants and socks, smirking when she saw the wet spot on Cheryl's underwear.

"Your so wet. Just for me huh?" Toni teased.

"Yes!" Cheryl yelled out as Toni put pressure on her clit.

Toni pulled away, pulling down Cheryl's red laced underwear.

Toni licked up the girl's entrance, moaning at the taste of Cheryl on her tongue.

"Mmmm. So sweet." Toni praised.

Cheryl threw her head back in pleasure.

Toni wrapped her mouth around Cheryl's clit, sucking on it gently.

"Yes! Fuck... Please don't stop!" Cheryl moaned, kneading her hands in Toni's hair.

Toni deliciously sucked on her clit, swirling her tongue around.

She soon entered her tongue in Cheryl's wet hole.

"Oh my God!" Cheryl screamed, opening her legs wider.

As Toni ate her out, She played with Cheryl's nipples causing Cheryl to float pleasurable bliss.

"Fuck! I love you!" Cheryl moaned as she felt her orgasm coming.

Toni swirled her tongue around, plunging it in and out of Cheryl.

One final thrust of her tongue, Cheryl came. Hard. So hard she can see stars.

Her legs shook, eyes rolled to the back of her head. Toni cleaned Cheryl up, wiping her mouth as she plumped down next to Cheryl.

Cheryl was breathing heavily, trying to calm down, but how can she? Toni just gave her an earth-shaking orgasm.

After about 5 minutes, Cheryl's breathing calmed down.

Toni had already stripped off her clothes, bare as the day she was born.

Cheryl looked over to her, smirking as Toni's appendage stood straight and tall.

"I wanna ride you, " Cheryl spoke. Toni groaned at the idea.

Cheryl lowered herself over Toni's member, moaning as she felt it stretch her.

She started thrusting her hips at a fast pace.

"Yes! Ride me like that Cher!" Toni moaned. Cheryl threw her head back, arching her back.

Cheryl grabbed onto the headboard as she went at a faster pace.

Soon her thrust became sloppy.

Toni flipped them over, so Toni was on top now.

She kissed Cheryl as she thrusts into her. Toni was hitting that spot in Cheryl that made her see stars.

Soon Toni felt that coil in her stomach tighten, she knew she was close.

"I'm so close!" Toni grunted, keeping her fast pace.

"Me too!" Cheryl moaned.

Toni grabbed her legs, pushing them up as she thrusts faster.

"HOLY SHIT!" Cheryl screamed, her voice was probably gonna be gone in the morning.

"I'm cumming!" Cheryl yelled.

"Me too!" Toni moaned.

"Cum in me Toni! Come on!" Cheryl moaned.

Toni complied, letting go inside of Cheryl.

Toni slowed her thrusting, pulling out when Cheryl's moans stopped.

She plumped down next to Cheryl. Cheryl cuddled into Toni, sighing as she felt her warm skin against Toni's.

"Sex with you is always amazing." Cheryl sighed happily.

"I agree." Toni joked causing Cheryl to slap her thigh.

She pulled Toni into a deep kiss.

Toni kissed back, harder.

"I love you," Cheryl said sincerely, stroking Toni's cheek.

"I love you more," Toni whispered, leaning into Cheryl's touch.

"All we have to do is wait two weeks." Toni chuckled.

"Yep! I can't wait to have kids with you." Cheryl said.

"I can't either." Toni smiled.

They kissed. Cheryl, placed her head on Toni's chest.

They fell into a deep sleep.

Mom, I'm sorry... But... I'm going to hell.

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