41|Amari's Eyes

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Toni has never seen eyes like those. Eyes that shined so brightly.

He was literally a gift from up above. Toni was beyond grateful for him. His eyes told her everything, his eyes already had a color. You wouldn't believe the color.

His eyes were mixed with pools of blue and a hue of brown. His eyes mixed with Cheryl and Toni's eye colors.

 His eyes mixed with Cheryl and Toni's eye colors

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[How his eyes look]

Toni is really in love with his eyes. She's never seen anything like it.

Cheryl says it's because he was a miracle, but, Toni says it's because of the genes. But Toni totally believes her, but she will never admit it.

The couple was currently getting him dressed because, well he's going home. Finally. Cheryl hates the hospital, especially because she had to say longer due to what happened.

"You weren't kidding when you said he was gonna wear this as soon as we got out," Toni smirked, referring to the outfit that Jace and Renesme brought.

"Mhm. He looks so cute in it too." Cheryl said, fixing the sleeve of the sweater.

Toni smiled. She was packing all of Cheryl's things. Toni zipped up the bag, placing it by the door.

"You ready?" Toni asked. Cheryl nodded, gently placing Amari in his car seat. She buckled him up, making sure he was secured.

The girls were at Esme's house, is that her house was closer to the hospital.

Toni grabbed the car seat, letting Cheryl hold her hand that was free since she held the bag strap on her shoulder.


"Addison, be careful. Amari is right there." Toni told her as she tried to get into her car seat.

"Okay." She said. "Mama! I need help." She told Toni. Toni went to her side if the car, strapping her into the seat.

"There." Toni smiled. She looked over at Adelaine, who was just staring at Amari with a small smile. Toni chuckled.

"Hey, Adel. Are you good?" Toni asked.

"Mhm." she nodded.

Toni smiled, closing the door, getting into the driver's side.

Tour put the child safety lock on. She pulled out of the driveway of her mother's house.


Toni stared down at the eyes she fell in love with. Amari's eyes. Those angelic eyes.

It was just him and her up. Her girls have fallen asleep along time ago. It was at 4 AM. And Toni heard Amari's little cries for help.

He was hungry, so Toni took him into the kitchen, warmed him up a bottle.

Amari looked up into his mama's eyes as he suckled on the bottle. The brown in his eyes swimming like a fish.

"Your really something else. Aren't you?" Toni whispered.

He was so fixated on his mama's eyes he forgot to suckled on the bottle.

"Calm down, my love. I'm not going anywhere." Toni whispered. She took the bottle out of his mouth, laying him on her shoulder.

She gently pats his back to get him to burp. Once he does, she holds him in her arms, while she makes some coffee.

When Cheryl opened her eyes, she didn't see her wife. Furrowing her brows, She walked into the girl's room.

Addison asn Adelaine was asleep. Cheryl gently closed the door, walking downstairs.

Her panicking subsided when she saw Toni holding their son, while she made coffee.

"You can't do that." Cheryl's soft voice echoed through the quiet kitchen. Toni jumped slightly at her voice.

"YOU can't be doing that." Toni joked. "but what can I not be doing exactly?" Toni asked, turning to face Cheryl.

"You can be leaving the room without telling me," Cheryl said as she walked closer to Toni. Toni playfully rolled her eyes.

"Okay, Mom." Toni joked causing Cheryl to just roll her eyes.

"No. But, seriously. Amari started crying so I just came to feed him." Toni said. Cheryl nodded, checking the time on the microwave. 5:02 AM.

"Well. Are you ready to go back to bed? We don't have to get up until later." Cheryl yawned.

"Yeah. Sure." Toni shrugged. She placed the coffee in the fridge, walking out with Cheryl. They entered the bedroom, laying Amari on her chest, she pulled Cheryl into her.

"Mama." Toni heard a small voice. Her and Cheryl turned toward the door. Addison and Adelaine.

"Hey, babies. What's wrong?" Cheryl asked. Addison sniffled before speaking. "I had bad dream." She said in a hushed tone.

"I can't sleep if Addi can't not sleep either," Adelaine said.

"Okay. Get in here." Toni said, pulled the covers up.

The girls gently got in between Toni and Cheryl. Cheryl held Adelaine, while Toni brought Addison into her. She had Amari on her chest so she couldn't hold her.

Addison smiled at Amari as he slept. Toni then realized she's not the only one in love with him. His sisters are too.

"Is he gonna sleep very much?" Addison asked above a whisper.

"Yeah." Toni chuckled. "That way he can grow. You and Adel slept all the time too. But that was when you guys were his age." Toni explained.

"Oh." She said as she yawned. "Go back to sleep, baby. He'll be here when you wake up. Okay?" Toni said.

"Okay." She replied Closing her eyes. Adelaine and Cheryl were having their own little conversation too.

"Mommy?" Adelaine spoke softly above a quiet whisper.

"Yes?" Cheryl replied, looking down at her daughter.

"Is Amari birthday the same day as mine?" She asked.

Cheryl shook her head 'no' "His birthday was two days ago. March 3rd." Cheryl explained.

"Oh." she yawned.

"Don't fight your sleep, Mon papillon." Cheryl yawned also. (Translation: "My butterfly.")

"Okay." Adelaine yawned once again.

Soon all 3 were knocked out. Amari, Addison, And Adelaine.

Cheryl and Toni sighed at the same time, causing both of them to chuckle softly.

"I love you..." Toni whispered.

"I love you more..." Cheryl whispered.

They both closed their eyes, falling into a deep slumber.

Choni quote of the day!

" Cheryl, I'm trying to be professional here. Can you not?" -𝙏𝙤𝙣𝙞 𝙏𝙤𝙥𝙖𝙯

𝓘 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓭 𝓐 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼Where stories live. Discover now