Ch.17- The Museum pt.3

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Liam P.O.V

Zayn and I wondered around, trying to stay as far as we could from Murray. "Do u think Niall will be okay?" I whispered to Zayn. Niall was still with Murray. "Yeah, he's a cheerleader."

"Just because he's a cheerleader doesn't mean he's friends with the coach."

"At least he knows him well enough."

I look back at Niall who was faking a smile for Coach Murray, then something popped up into my head. "Zayn, where's Louis & Harry?" I looked at him in panic. "I...I don't know." He said worried and looked around. We ran through out the exhibit we were currently in.

"Hey lads, why so jumpy?" Harry said walking up to us. "We're have u been? Where's Louis?" I began pouring out questions. "I had to go to the bathroom and Louis is over by Niall and Murray." He answered.

"Do u know how long u were in the bathroom?" I got all up in his face. "No." He answered. "About 45 minutes or so."

"Ur bluffing."

"I don't bluff!" I backed away from him. I looked over at Zayn who had a huge grin on his face. "What is it?" Harry asked. "Quickie." Zayn giggled. Harry's face turned bright red. "Uh, no." Harry looked off into the distance. Zayn and I almost fell to the floor laughing.

Louis P.O.V

"What's so funny?" Niall asked when we walked over to Zayn, Liam, and Harry. Harry's face was bright red while Liam and Zayn looked like they were dying on the floor. "What?" I asked. They were glaring at me funny.

"I-It's almost time to go, let's go find Murray." Harry said nervously as he pulled me away quickly. What was he hiding? "It's not almost time to go, is it?" I asked. "I don't know, let's go ask." He tugged on my arm. "What's gotten into u?"


"What is it Hazzabear?"

"Lets go."

"I ain't going anywhere until u tell me why u r acting like that."

"I'm just tired, that's all."

"Okay, now the truth."

"I'm gonna go ask Murray when were leaving." He stormed off. I wonder what's got his panties in a twist?

I walked back to the rest of the lads. Niall was laughing (looked like he was dying) on the floor along with Zayn. Liam calmed down "Do u know why Harry has been all...not Harry?" I asked. "U know, on, so forth..." Liam trailed off.

"Okay, then why is Zayn and Niall dying on the floor?" I crossed my arms. "Because u and Haz did a quickie." Zayn said as him and Niall giggled. "Do u know what's bothering Hazza then?"

They all looked at each other then back to me. "Don't know, maybe u should ask him." Liam suggested. "I did, but he didn't answer me."

"Then maybe he's homesick."

"I guess, but we have only been out for two days."

"U never know. Every body is different."

"True, but could one of u ask him? I tried and it didn't work out right."

"Okay, Zayn will do it." Zayn stopped as his eyes went wide, causing Niall to laugh even harder. "I'm doing what?" He asked Liam. "Ask Harry what's wrong." Liam answered him. "Why me?"

"Because ur gently."

"Uh, okay."

"Woah, woah, wait a second," I cut everybody off, "since when is Bad-Boy Bradford here is gentle?" I asked, a bit snappy. "Hey! I can be sweet! Kind! Nice!" He shouted at me. "Okay, then go talk to Hazza for me, if ur so nice."

"Fine, I will."

He stormed out. "Was that a pep talk or an agreement?" Niall asked me. "I honestly don't know, nor do I care at the moment." I held my hands up in defense.

Zayn P.O.V

I walked up to Harry who seemed a bit upset. "Hey Hazza." I sat beside him on a bench seat. "Hey Z." He said, sadly. "I have noticed u have seemed a tad upset lately, what's wrong?"

"Um, how long have I looked upset for?"

"About an hour now."


"Why are u upset?"

"Well, at my old school, if someone said u did a quickie...u were consider a slut. Then I went to another school before this one and it meant the same thing."

"So u just assumed the same for this one?"

"Yeah, kind of. It's the same for my sisters school to."

"Well, this is a different school. Different people. Different personalities. The only person u need to ever to out for is Caroline."

"Why is Caroline so mean?"

"I honest not sure, maybe u should ask Niall or some other random cheerleader."

"Okay, I might."

We titled our heads and looked deeply into our eyes. Harry opened his mouth to say something.

I don't know what got over me, but I smashed our lips together. For me, it was ONE of the best kisses I have had in a long time...well, at least the last time I kissed someone.

"I'm sorry Zayn, I can't. I don't cheat." Harry broke the kiss. He was in a relationship?! That was fast. "Oh, sorry." I stood up. "Don't worry about it." Harry said a bit worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Harry looked close to tears as he ran off. I quickly ran behind him.

I slowed down when I found Coach Murray, Liam, and Niall. "What's wrong with Harry this time?" I looked around. "Where Louis?" I panted. "Harry and Louis went back to the hotel room." Murray shouted in my face.

"Okay, r we leaving now?" I kinda hoped. "After we see a few more exhibits, then we will be leaving.


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