Ch.23- Let me Sleep

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Harry P.O.V

I was sitting in the same seat before. Sitting with the same people. Niall and Louis. It wasn't bad. Nor was it awkward. We're friends now...except for Louis. He's my boyfriend.

I leaned my head against Louis's shoulder. "Tired Haz?" He asked. "Yeah." I answered him. "Then let me sing u a lullaby." Niall said. A lullaby. Something I haven't heard in a while.

"If I'm louder...would u see me?

Would u lay my arms and rescue me.

Cause we are...the same.

U save me...when u leave its gone again."

"Is there anything I can get u boys?" Stupid waitress girl had to interrupt when she did. I was about to fall a sleep! "No, we're good. Thank u." Louis answered her. I heard her foot steps walk away. Niall began to sing again.

"Close the door...

Throw the key...

Don't wanna be reminded, don't wanna be seen.

Don't wanna be without u, my jugs menus cloudy...

Like tonight's sky..."

Louis P.O.V

I heard Harry lightly snore after Niall's last line. "U got a talent right there my friend." I think I just complimented him. I'm still not use to all of this. Niall laid against Harry and shut his eyes. I might as well do the same, I don't want to be left alone.


"We there yet?" Niall groaned. My eyes were closed so I didn't know what was going on. "I highly doubt that Ni." I answered him. Harry just shifted. "Louis?"


"R u hungry?"


"R u bored?"

"I'm tired."


"Then why aren't u sleeping?"

"Good point."

I heard a light snore. That was fast...or else that's Harry. I drifted off to sleep again.

Liam P.O.V

Kendall and I are just many star war movies as we can before we get back. I just don't get it! Why haven't we ever met each other before? We are in (almost) every class together.

Zayn P.O.V

Kyle and I just sat in silence. "U wanna play a game?" He asked. I look over at him and shrugged. "Would u a pig or a giraffe?"


"Would u a singer or a song writer?"


"An actor or dancer?"


"English teacher or math teacher?"


"Russian or Japanese?"

"I don't know."

Kyle just starred me. "I don't though." I said. He rolled his eyes. I just don't see what everyone likes so much about him.

Kyle looked over at me from the corner of his eye. "What?" I questioned him as I shifted un comfortably. He leaned forward pecked my lips and backed away. That was it. Okay then.

I closed my eyes and feel a sleep.


"We will be landing soon." The announcer went off. "Turbulence!" Kyle shook me. That did scare me, I must admit. I ignored him. If I had to choose a blonde to be sitting with at moment, I'd choose Niall.

Harry P.O.V

We're going to be landing soon. I sat up. Niall was awake looking out the window and Louis was still a sleep. I nudged Louis, nothing. Then I noticed he still had Kevin.

I slipped Kevin from his grip and he imediately got up. He snatched Kevin away from me. "Don't ever touch Kevin." He patted his pigeon. "It was the only thing that could wake u up. We're landing soon, buckle up." I instructed. I could feel the plane heading down ward. It drives me crazy how it makes my stomach flip. I never gotten sick, it just drives me crazy.

I think he longest part if the ride is landing. Take off is fast. "What's wrong Hazza?" Louis asked me. "Landings drive me insane." I answered him. "That's why I am here."

"How did that make sense?"

"This is how."

He pecked my lips. I have good feeling Niall is rolling his eyes. The plane finally came to a stop. Everyone unbuckled and got up. Louis grabbed Niall and I then pulled us out.

"Hey guys! Have a nice ride?" Kyle said cheerfully and kissed Niall's cheek. Niall smiled. Zayn looked like he was going to kill someone. "U bastard." Zayn slapped him in the face. "What was for?" Kyle said innocently. "First u hit on me, now Niall." Zayn slapped him again. Kyle turned around and faced Niall. He slapped him even harder. Kyle walked over to the others.

"Let's get our luggage." Murray walked over to us carrying Liam. "Why are u holding Liam?" Niall asked. "Some old bitch gabbed me with her cane." Liam growled.

We walked over to the turny thing that shows the luggage. There were more people on the plane then I excepted. "MINE!" Niall pounced onto it. His foot got tangled in someone's purse of some sort. "HELP!" Niall shouted. We all ran as fast as we could, except for Liam who was thrown onto Murray's back. Like a sack! I caught up to Niall and grabbed his arm and pulled him off. I undid the stringy rope things off his ankle from the purse. I set the purse back onto the moving thing. "That was close." Niall panted and rubbed his ankle. "It's to early in the morning for this." Louis panted. "I am not a morning person." Zayn groaned. They are lazy. "Come one guys, we need to get the front door for ur parents to pick u up." Murray said.


Everyone had been picked up except me, Louis, Niall, Liam and Murray. Mr. Johnson left. Apparently, Murray was in charge of us and Mr. Johnson was in charge of the others. Zayn was the first to be picked up. Like, the very first! His mom was standing and ready to leave imediately.

"U guys look to glum." Niall got up. "It's 9 am." I groaned. "Bye guys." Liam got up. His mom was waving at the door. She seems nice. "Let's do a cheer!" Niall suggested. "No." Louis said darkly. "Please Niall, no." I begged Niall. "Why not?" He questioned us. "Mainly because ur mom is here." Murray pointed out. Niall grabbed his luggage and ran.

Now it's just Louis, Murray, and I. We sat it awkward silence for a little while. "Okay, I'm taking u home. Grab ur luggage Harry. Same with u Louis." Murray instructed. We ran in the cold to Murray's car. It was a Volvo. Nice! I sat in the back as Louis sat in the passenger seat. I closed my eyes and drifted off to a short nap before I get home.


I knocked on the door. My mom opened it up and gave me a big hug. She waved to Murray and Louis. "I thought u were coming home in 2 days." She said. "There was a mishap with something so everyone had to go home early. She smiled and helped me with me luggage.

I flopped onto the couch. Just wanted to sleep. I had a long day.


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