Ch.24- Things r Different

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Harry P.O.V

I walked into school like a zombie, except my arms weren't out. "Hey Hazzabear!" Louis squeezed the life out me. "Hi boo." I said. "Hey Hazza." Niall skipped over to us. "Hey lads." I walked by Zayn. Zayn was half awake. "Hey guys. Why all of u so happy?" I asked confused and Louis out me down. "I had one to many cups of tea this morning." Louis answered. "I'm always like this." Liam answered. "I did a lap around the gym with Jackie and Cher. Dani is sick." Niall said, jogging in place.

"Wait, where's ur posy?" I motioned to Louis. "They both got sick." Louis shrugged like it was nothing. "How about u?" I asked Niall. "I don't know." Niall looked around. "Come on guys, lets got to class." Liam slung his shoulder around Zayn.

Everyone was clapping when we walked in. "I feel famous!" Liam jumped up and down. Zayn rolled his eyes and gave some people high fives as he walked to his seat. I sat down without a word as class begun.

"Morning class. In case u were wondering, the people who came on the field trip had a wonderful time." Mr. Johnson said as leaned against his desk. There were no whisperings after he finished his sentence. Something's up. That ain't right. "I see that Harry has noticed something odd," did he just read my mind? "Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Harry. The class did a bet. We wanted to see which group of boys we end up being friends." Wait, what? "U betted on us? How did u fell everyone?" Louis started blurting out questions. "Yeah, I'm always here." Liam pointed out. We all nodded in agreement. "Cheerleaders are very sneaky boys."

Everyone looked at the girls and Niall. "Don't look at me, I didn't know about this." Niall held his hands up. I don't know what to say. "How did u get the info here?" Liam asked. "Something called texting and blogging Liam, try it." Jackie snapped at him and high-five Cher.

The rest of class was a bit awkward since they new (almost) everything we did on our trip. Mr. Johnson was just reviewing things. Mostly because he didn't know what the substitute taught the others.


The bell went off. I was one of the first to run out. I wasn't embarrassed or upset, I just like being the last one for lunch.

"I think Johnson was stalking us and we just didn't know it." Louis pointed out as we all sat together. "Probably." Niall said, taking a bite of his cheese burger. Everyone gasped. "He just took a bite of his cheese burger." Cher pointed out. "Who r u?" Jackie was near faint. "I'm ur cousin." Niall shrugged. Those girls are so dramatic.

I finished my lunch and walked to my locker. "There u r dilweed." Caroline pinned me up to my lockers. I really should gain some weight, I am way to light. Anyone could pick me up. "Hello to u to sweet Caroline." I said sarcastically. "Oi! Put him down bitch." Louis yelled at her. She dropped me and backed away. Louis jogged over and slapped her in the face. A crowd of people began to crowd. Caroline growled at him. He hissed. Cat and dog fight! She walked off and Louis kneed down next to me.

"U okay babe?" He helped me up. "It is now." I said. We stared into each other eyes. Every time I'm with Louis, I feel like he lifted the weight off of my shoulders. I leaned in. I wanted to kiss right there, right then, but everyone is staring at us. "Just kiss me fool." Louis pulled me in. Our lips moved in prefect sinc. Some people gasped and others cheered. I heard some 'I knew it!' I broke the kiss and stared into his eyes. I could look at hem all day...if I could.

I looked over at Zayn and Liam. Zayn took Liam by the hand and began to twirl him around. Everyone began to clap on a beat. Niall randomly danced in the middle. I joined him, then Louis now we all are randomly dancing in the middle of the hallway. The principal didn't get mad- no one did. Today was just full of fun!

I pecked Louis one more time before heading off to my next class. The something happened. Everyone was clapping. Should I be happy or scared? That's something not to worry about.

The rest of the day pasted by quickly. I thought it was going to be slower. I was wrong. Oh well. I think it mostly lasted by because of the new kid, Josh. He doesn't have the slightest idea of what's coming his way.

Wish him good luck, he's definitely going to need it.


A/N: hey guys!

Another successful story done don't you think? I know this chapter is short by I am to excited for my next book! My next story is called 'Teachers Pet'. It will be out tomorrow or the next day or even today, when ever I remember to upload it. Plz check it out!

Luv u all foreva and always!


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