Chapter 1

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All you remember is sitting there in that corner, hearing your parents screaming out your name.

"Y/N GET OUT OF HERE RUN AS FAR AS YOU CAN!!" Your mother shouts at you, you can't do anything but listen to her.

You grab your back pack and fill it with your necklaces your parents got you, a phone, your bear, a weapon, a flashlight, food, and water.
You zip up your backpack.

"Y/n you've got to hurry get out of here and run okay, don't look back on us just know me and your mother love you" your dad says as he kisses you on the forehead. He opens the window for you.

"Hurry y/n get out of here" your father says to you in a whisper.
You only being 7 you jump out the window, and start running. But little did you know that that was the last time you'll ever see your parents.

~time skip~

You have been running for hours upon hours now. Your now under a tree, drinking water to catch your breath.
'Where am I going to go now?'
You think to yourself, 'I could maybe find a hero and talk to them?'
Toxicity, number one hero, walks up to you and says "hey what are you doing here are you okay?" He says with a little concern In his voice.

"Uhh, sir m-my parents j-just told me to run and not look back I-I'm scared" you reply hesitantly. He looked at you with a worried expression, "How long have you been running, From your home?"
"m-maybe for at least six or seven hours?" You say, not being sure of what time you left.

Toxicity looks at you and says "Do you need somewhere to stay?"
You have an excited look on your face "Yeah I actually do!" You reply excitedly. He says "Why don't you come home with me and I'll take care of you?" He asks.

"Yes, please Thank you so much mr...?" You not knowing his last name so you sit there confused.
"Wade" he says to you and sticks his hand out to help you up.
You accept his offer, you grasp on to his hand thats like 5x the size your hand, he gently walks back a little to make sure you get up.

"Mr. Wade what do you want me to call you since I'm going to live with you?" You ask
"You can call me Leon, because Leon wade is my actual name" Toxicity says. "Let's be on our way to my house."

~time skip~

"Here's my house," he says as he opened the door. "After you, hey what's your name?"
You walk in the door "My names Y/n Y/L."
"Y/n your room is up stairs, we can go shopping tomorrow." He states
"Okay thank you again Leon!" You happily say.
"Follow me," he says as he walk upstairs.
You follow him up the stair.

"Here's your room y/n" Leon says.
You are in shock, "Leon this room is beautiful!"

" it's nothing really kid," Leon says as he makes his way over to his room, " I'm going to go change I'll be back

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" it's nothing really kid," Leon says as he makes his way over to his room, " I'm going to go change I'll be back."
You sit on the bed in utter shock. 'This room is amazing!'

Leon walks out the room in a baggy t-shirt and sweat pants. He has his hero cloths in hand, and walk a down stairs "Y/N COME HERE" he shouts, he puts his cloths in the washing machine.

You hear your name so you rush down stairs, "Yes Leon?" You question. "Are you hungry?" Leon asks. "Yes actually I am," you have a hand over your stomach. "What do you want for dinner y/n?"

"Can we have (favorite food) for dinner?" You ask kinda excited to see if you can have your favorite food. "I don't see why not," he goes to the kitchen and starts cooking.

657 words

Have a good day/night! :)

Shota Aizawa x reader x Hizashi Yamada x Toshinori Yagi Where stories live. Discover now