Chapter One

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       It was an odd scene to say the least. To see the normally short yet outspoken, charismatic, Philippines limping on a wall. Being pinned down by the usually shy, intimidated, quiet, anxiety ridden, America.

     Phill had his left hand over his right shoulder, the place were he had just been stabbed. Blood slowly seeping out of the huge gash. America had really slashed him. Right from the shoulder to above were his heart was. The gash was slightly not deep enough to bring any harm to his heart. But America didn't intended on killing the Philippines, no, he simply ment harm to all that try to cross him. Though, Phillip did nothing to stop his evil doings, he just wanted to show the other countries what he was capable of. And Phill was an easy target. So trusting. What a shame. "A waste of great place." America muttered, just loud enough Phillip to hear.

     America had his right elbow leaning against one side of the corner of one wall, pinning the poor country down. Most likely so he couldn't run away and get help. and his other hand was slowly spinning a newly bloodied knife. A sadistic smirk growing from ear to ear.

     The Philippines realised quite quickly that America hadn't indented to kill him, but to just intimidate him. Which was working quite well if he was being completely honest. He was breathing way to fast to get any air, and he was in so much pain that he didn't even realize he was slowly suffocating himself.

       America's erie smile then dropped, as he realized that if he did anything more to the poor country, he would surely die. Which lucky for Phill, ment that America's fun would have to be cut short for the day. (Pun very much intended)

      America dropped his knife lazily, and yawned slowly displaying his uninterest in the situation. At that point Phillip realised that America's intention was not to just get away with murder, no. He WANTED to get caught, which was another unnecessary thing on Phill's mind.

     America slowly sauntered out of the room, and then slowly after, out the door. leaving a cold, shaking, very confused and scared Phillip to pin himself against the corner wall, and all well losing a lot of blood.

    He tried everything he could, yelling, shouting, kicking, and that's pretty much everything he could do. He eventually passed out at about 3:00 am, because of blood loss, and general tiredness.

     Let's just say Indonesia was very confused and startled the next morning when he came down the stairs to make his coffee.

*time skip*

     Phillip was questioned by the police after he awoke in the hospital, everyone was quite shocked that it was the normally shy, quiet, and socially awkward America that had stabbed Phillip so brutally.

     It was an even bigger surprise to everyone that had ever really known America because, America had a deadly fear of blood. Ever since he was born, he was terrified of it. And another interesting factor as to why no one believed America had done it was, America had once said at a world meeting a little bit ago that, quote "if anything happened to Phill, he would kill everyone in the room, and then himself." And I quote.

      So it made no sense, there was no motives, nothing linking the attempted murder up with any other countrys, this case was cut and dry. Which made it even more of a mystery. I digress.

      The next problem was how to locate America, which lucky for the obviously over worked police, would be a very easy task.

      All they had to do was call Canada, America's older brother. They were originally going to call Great Britain, America's dad. but after 46 trys, they gave up.

      Canada quickly picked up the phone when he saw the it was the police force calling, and not some random telemarketer. the conversation went as follows.

"He-Hello?" Canada stuttered

"Hello, is this Canada speaking?" The police on the other side said in a slight monotone.

"Yes, it is." Canada stated, a slight concern frosting the tip of his statement.

"Do you know were your brother is? The United States of America?"

      If I were to say Canada was taken aback, it would be an understatement. He was completely shell shocked. Yes, along time ago America would get in some trouble now and again, but after a mysterious event that evaded Canada happened, America had a tendency of shutt people out, had a lot of nervous breakdowns, and had what Canada could only assume were anxiety attacks. So why the police  were calling about him was a mystery to Canada.

"U-um, I think he's in his room, why?" Canada sounded very confused, no matter how much he tried to hide it.

"Good." In the distance he could hear the officer yelling some thing about 'the target had been located.' Canada could then hear the officer turn around and say to, "avoid him at all costs, he is highly unstable..."

     The officer went on about America being chaotic but Canada wasn't listening, no he was still shell shocked that the police were calling about his passive, small, bean of a brother being a psychopath. "O-ok, I'll stay away from him untill you come."

      That answer seemed to satisfy the police on the other side, as after Canada had said that, they swiftly hung up.

    Canada's head was spinning, what had his brother done? Will his brother be ok? What happened? What do you mean 'unstable'?

   He decided to get some answers instead of just waiting around for the unenviable. So against the officer's will, he begrudgingly made his way upstairs.


Thanks so much for reading my book!

If you're confused about what happened, America stabbed The Philippines in the right shoulder, and then left the crime scene. Now the police are after him.

I also think this chapter was some how duplicated, so if the next chapter seems oddly familiar, that's why.
                                                     Word count:1014

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