Chapter Nine - Dreams...

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Shoutout to Redslushycat for some......... Ideas. ಠ‿ಠ
-------------------------------------------------------  WARNING, THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS FLUFF AND A LOT OF F*CKING ANGST.

(Russia's POV)

   Being in the waiting room at random a hospital at four in the morning is bad enough, when your waiting for people who you don't know to tell you if you're boyfriend is going to die or not all while being surrounded by people crying is a whole hell of a lot worse. Take it from me, I would know.

     The room the rest of the counties and I was right next to the room America was in, I call it a waiting room, but it was more like a glorified part of the hallway. I really was surprised that most of the country's fit in the tiny room, it looked about six feet by eight feet.

     Some countries had already gone home, saying that it was getting quite late and they'd come back tomorrow. The ones that remained were, Great Britain, The Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, Greenland, Iceland, Poland, Germany, France, Indonesia, Mongolia, Wales, Ireland, Switzerland, Japan, India, and a few others. Along with myself of course.

    It was getting pretty late, most countries were either passed out completely, or just dosing off. Me being no exception. I really just needed to relax, America would be fine, I knew he would be.

  As I slowly drifted into unconsciousness, a blurry image of a person crying on the floor filled my vision. There appearance resembled America, yet they had wings. There flag was.. Different, and they looked more European. As soon as I knew that they knew I was here, I ran up to them. I have no idea why, I just felt strongly towards them. They looked up at me and smiled sadly, then faded into dust. Kinda like my father did when he died. It was an..... Odd dream, but aren't all dreams a little bit odd?

   I woke up as slowly as I fell asleep, and what I woke up to was almost complete silence. Other then beeping coming from the other room, the room where America was. The beeping slowed down slightly, which made me slightly more anxious. I checked my phone, the time was five am. I decided to just sleep again, and wait for the morning. I hate being by myself, it makes me feel venerable. But being with other people makes me feel weak. "Ugh.. It's to early for this" I sigh, being up too late kinda messes with my head.

  I slowly fall asleep again, this time I see what is clearly America. He looks extremely scared and confused. I would be too.

   I take a step forward and he hears. Turning his head around I could just see the wave of relief that had just washed over him.

(America's POV)

    I wake up in an all too familiar dark, bland, empty room. Nothing in it, nothing around. Nobody, nobody to help.

    I'm as confused as last time though, expecting that..... Thing... To come out and try to do some mind fuck thing again. But this time it's someone different.

    I start to panic, what is happening. How do I end this never ending cycle? Then I hear a foot step behind me, thinking it's the voice.. Demon.. Thing, I quickly turn my head to see, Russia?

     He seemed a little disorientated, but once he realized that I was in front of him he ran up to me and hugged me. I could feel hot tears run down his face, as well as my own face.

    I could feel him losen his grip slightly to look at me, I probably looked like a mess. I look up to see him, looking at me.

"Russia.. " I say, trying to make sure I wasn't delusional.

"America.. " He says back, he's real!

    I cry into his shoulder, I just wish this was over. if there was anyway I could Restart, go back in time, I would take it. Maybe if..

"Russia, just... "

  He looks at me like he's willing to do anything for me.

"Russia, kill me... Please.. "

  He looks scared, and honestly extremely disturbed by my... Request.

"America, there's othe-"

      I cut him off "Please, I can't stand this anymore. So please, just.." I start crying again, so does he. I just want this to end, and dying would be the quickest way. It would end everything, and nobody would be in danger any more. And then I feel myself turn to dust and blow away, Russia is too surprised to do anything in time. But in the last second I can see anything, he starts to fade as well.

(The voice)

    Did you notice how I capitalised 'Restart?'

    Did you guys recognise the person Russia saw in his first dream? I'll give you a hint, parkour.

Word count: 811

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