Chapter six - Chaos in the States.

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(Anddd, I'm back!)

      The states were going mental, half of them still under the demons control. The rest either hiding, or shooting there former comerades with toy Nerf guns.

   Not knowing what was happening, one of the middle states in the North had an idea to calm the others down, and hopefully end whatever the hell was happening. Illinois started throwing pizza at everyone. Idaho followed suit, but pulled his own spin on it. Potatoes. It had just turned into a giant food fight, with demons and possession. Fun.

   To get the full picture of what in the hell was happening, let's,

(Oop- wrong fandom)

(Back to before the start of the book)
(Florida's POV)

    Something was definitely wrong with dad. He seemed troubled by something, but whenever I asked he would put on a fake smile and say he was fine. Something was wrong with dad

    He wouldn't eat, saying he "wasn't hungry". But the rest of the states and I knew something was off. Something was wrong with dad.

    He wouldn't come out of his room for hours on end. He said he was texting someone. but when I went down stairs his phone was on the coffee table. Somethings wrong with dad.

     He was obviously sad, even Hawaii could tell and she was three years old. He didn't smile, and when he did it was extremely fake. Somethings wrong with dad.

    I knew that I should talk to him about it, but I didn't want to disturb him. I was sure he was just 'busy' like he said he was. But deep down I had a feeling. Something was wrong with dad.

     And then it all came to a head.


   I was getting worried, dad didn't come down stairs all morning. Not to eat breakfast. Not to watch the TV. Not even to go to the bathroom. Maybe he had slept in? I decided to check on him with, along with Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. We slowly crept to America's room, trying not to disturb Canada or Great Britain. Dad had hid us from everyone sence he became a country, so we live here. But no one knows. I guess it's a bit creepy but whatever. The only reason he does this is so no one can try to bomb us. A bit extra, but better safe then sorry.

   We finally made it to the top of the stairs and slowly walked to his room. When we got there Georgia was the first one to look in, he told us to look as well. Dad wasn't in his room.

    Before we could prosses what was going on, we heard a crash and bang from down stairs. Oh god.

The fan art at the top is for an amazing author and artest, hope ya like it SicklyDisturbing.

Btw read there story, it's really good. "Starry planet eye disease."

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