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*Moka's P.O.V*

It's been about two months since we got back from fairytail and everything is back to normal.

Nii-san is back to liveing at home with mom, dad, Vanilla, and Cocoa along with happy while Sting, Rouge and their exceeds rented a apartment nearby the house. Same with Erza, Laxus, Wendy, Gajeel, and Gray.

Lucy and Levy lives at Yokai's Academy school dorms since they decided to become a senior in highschool and Wendy is in Seventh grade in a middle school, but its in the human realm.

I was walking around the school minding my own buisness doing nothing for I was bored since i finished all my homework and it was the weekend.

Lucy and Levy went to visit the others. Same with Takumi and the other boys except they went to visit their family. I didn't go visit my family because Nii-san, mom, dad, Vanilla, Cocoa, and Happy all went on vacation for a few days to reconnect with each other.

They asked me if i wated to go and miss a few days of school but i said no. Usually I would say yes because come on, Who dosn't want to miss school and go have fun!

Well anyways i said no because mom, dad ,Vanilla, and Cocoa all needed to reconnect with Nii-san. Deffintly Vanilla and Cocoa.

So thats how i ended up roaming the schools halls.

"La la la la la" I said swinging my arms as i walked being the childish girl I am, when i suddenly ran into a door.

"Ok how in the mother of nature did i not see this while walking!?" I yelled to my self as i rubbed my nose.

I was a little curiouse on what was inside the room and decided to look inside because if i run into a door don't expect me to not look inside.

As I opened the door I could feel a cold breeze from inside, blowing into my face along with some dust.

"Pft....Pft...Pft... Damn dirt...." I muttered to my self as i spitted the dirt that got in my mouth out.

As I opened the door and got a better look at what was inside i literally faceplanted to the floor with a 'thud!'

The whole room was empty except for the old fahioned looking wardrobe on the other side of the room.

Me being me i ran over to the wardrobe and swung the door open thinking that maybe if I go inside i can go to Narnia!!!

As I crawled into the wardrobe I began to get a little cold which made me excited and thinking "It's working! It's working!"

As I reached the end of the wardrobe I closed my eyes, waiting for the snow to fall on my face but it never came.

I opened one eye and took a peek at where I was at to find I wasn't in Narnia....I was in a better place that so awesome it could beat Narnia!!!!! I was in a.....


Sarcasm was in that sentance full on ._.

I sat up and dusted my boot-ey off as I was sitting on the ground and walked out of the alley.

Me being me not paying attention I bumped into somebody. What is up with me and bumping into things.

"Sorry!" I said as I looked up to see a man wearing a butlers uniform with raven black hair and fuchsia, almost red eyes. Heh, he was kinda cute. Kinda.

"It's ok Madam." The man said.

"Sebatian! Let's keep moveing!" Snapped a boy around my age wearing a top hat and a eye patch.

'Look! A pirate wearing a top hat! Hahahaha!!!' That what was going through one side of my mind while on the other it was 'I.Want.That.Hat!!!'

"Certainly master. Goodbye madam." This so called sebastian guy said while bowing to me then followed the boy around.

*Sebastion's P.O.V*

I was in town following master when a girl around masters age came walking out of a alley way and bumped into me.

"Sorry!" The girl said as she looked up.

I noticed she had pink hair that were in pigtails with red streaks and crystal blue eyes. I also noticed that she wasn't human. She was also wearing a white and black gothic lolita dress with white and black laced gloves, knee high black boots, and a black and white cheackered top hat with chains and a skull in the middle of the chains. (Hat in external link)

"It's okay madam" I said. (A/N: I swear every time i see the word 'madam' what i think of is Madona or a man saying 'Ma damnnnnnn' While looking Madona up and down ._. XD)

"Sebastian! Let's keep moveing!" Master said from ahead.

I watched as the young girl looked at master, takeing in his appearance and watched as a smile appeared on her face as she tried to stiffle a laugh.

It was quite confuseing though because she was laughing yet her eyes showed determination as if saying 'I want it'.

"Certainly master. Goodbye madam." I said as I bowed to the girl an walked away.

"Who was that Sebastian?" Master asked.

"I do not know master but i do know that she was not human." I said looking down at him to see his reaction.

"Hmmm.... Did she seem as though she could be a threat?" Master asked again.

"No. I don't think so, but when she looked at you she looked as if she wanted something...." I said trailing off.

"Is that so? Then. Sebastian I want you to find the girl and bring her to the mansion. That is an order!" Master said as he stepped into the carriage.

"Yes, master" I said while bowing as my eyes began to glow crimson red.

*Moka's P.O.V*

I was walking around town and i would always notice people stareing at me with wide eyes and talking about me. I would catch a few of them say "Wow! she's pretty!" or "Look at her clothes! There so cute!" with my vampire hearing.

As I passed by a dress shop I decided to stop and look at my reflection to see what everyone was talking about. I was shocked and had a face like O_O when i saw i was wearin an all black and white gothic lolita outfit.

I mean i looked cute and innocent in it but where did these clothes even come from? Just earlier I was wearing a pair of black jeans with a red and black top with some converse on.

I shook my head and continued walking trying to figure out where these clothes came from when I suddenly found myself in another alley. What is up with me and alleys???

I turned around to walk back out to see that man from earlier in front of me.

"Oh my goodness! You scared the liveing daylights out of me uh.... Sebastian right?" I asked he nodded. And thats also when i noticed it.

His eyes were glowing red.

I began to back away when suddenly he dissapeared and as i backed up more i bumped into something. I slowly turned around to see him right there.

"Sleep..." Was what he said as he place his hands over my eyes and I feel into the darkness.

It all started at Yokai Academy(Multi crossover)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now