Chapter 7~Feeling Betrayed...

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A/N~Sorry this chapter was a bit short lol I honestly thought it was longer XD
Hajime's POV:

Chiaki looks back up at me with a bit of a sigh, "Hajime...I'm sorry that I kept this from you...." she says as her ears fold back. I can tell that she feels bad, but..."Why would you hide a secret this big from me?! I thought that you-" she quickly interrupts me, feeling a bit saddened, "I know you're upset, but it was...important for me not to say anything..." she says as she walks closer to me.

"Okay then...tell me why it was so important...since I know about you being a werewolf now, you don't have to hide anything from me anymore..." I say, making her go silent and look down some. Why is she...not saying anything...? "I...can't tell you..." Chiaki says, making me irritated. Why is she keeping things from me?! "Tell me!" I say with a slight growl, making her step back some.

"I-I'm sorry...I can't-"I interrupt her by banging my fist hard on the table and quickly getting out of my chair, which makes it fall over, "What happed to that promise we made?! Was that nothing to you?!" I say, surprising her some. How could she do this...thought that we were- I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see Nagito walking through the back door, making me smile slightly. Finally...someone I actually feel like talking to right now~

I quickly hurry over to him, passing by Chiaki without saying a word, "Are you okay...? Did they do anything to you...?" I ask, looking back at her with a slight glare. Nagito looks at me a bit surprised, sighing a bit, "I'm alright..sorry I took so long...~" he says with a slight laugh making me blush a bit. I think to myself for a moment, looking back at him, "What did she tell you...?" I ask in a serious tone, making Chiaki's eyes widen some.

Nagito looks behind me at her, then back at me, "W-Well uh...she-" he's interrupted by Chiaki, who hurry's over and puts her hand on his shoulder. "Don't..." she says, making Nagito go silent and look over at her. I start to get even more frustrated at her, "Are you serious?!" I tighten up my fists, "Now your gonna make him keep secrets from me...what kind of friend are you?!" I say, with a growl, surprising and saddening her some.

"Hajime...I'm-" I interrupt her by taking Nagitos hand and leading him away from her, "Were leaving..." I say as I head towards the front door, looking back at Chiaki, "and we're not coming back..." I look away from her and push through the door, walking out with Nagito.

Chiaki's POV:

As I watch them leave, I look down some. Hajime...I know you must feel betrayed, but...I wouldn't do this if it wasn't necessary. I sigh a little. Hajime has always hated people who lie...he especially hates being lied to, but I had to. If he knew about me and...what my purpose was...he would hate me...

I was assigned by my leader to watch over and monitor him, but that wasn't the only reason. I also had to make sure that the hunters helpers kept away from Hajime, which meant that I had to become friends and get closer to him. I had to make sure he avoided the helpers, which was difficult considering they go to our school. That was one thing I didn't tell Nagito, though that isn't the only thing I didn't tell him. I know I said that I'd explain everything, but...there's some stuff that I can't say's not the right time.

I sit against the wall, laying my head on my knees. The thing about my mission was that...I wasn't expecting to...get attached to him. All I was supposed to do was what...he ordered me to do, but then I started to enjoy Hajime's company...being around him...I felt that I had a true friend...~ I'm not saying that the rest of the pack aren't my friends, but we all usually do our own thing...they didn't hang out with me as much as Hajime did...well...except for Souda who I like talking to sometimes...~

I laugh a bit to myself. We had fun together...just the two of us, until Nagito came into the picture...I sigh a little. They've apparently been best friends since they were little...he's...a lot closer to Hajime then I am. It...honestly makes me jealous. I don't like him being around Hajime, but I can't say anything's Nagito's job to protect him. I could've still done it, but...there's something else I have to focus on...and I don't want either of them to know...especially-

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear someone walk through the back door, "Hey...~" I look over to see Souda, smiling a bit, "Hey..." I say, looking back down. He sighs some and sits by me, "Things didn't go so well huh..." he says, making me glance over at him. "I knew he would be mad about it..." I say with a bit of a sigh, "It honestly hurt to...see him angry at me, but...for now I can't worry about that..."

Souda saddens some and puts his arm around me, making me blush some, "It'll be okay Chiaki...~ I'm sure that everything between you two will go back to normal after...all of this is over...~" he says as I lay my head on his shoulder, smiling some. "I hope so...~" I say with a bit of a laugh.

I say that, but...I know things won't go back to normal...especially if everything goes as planed...I look down some. Good luck Nagito...I know you'll protect him better then I did...~ Unfortunately, I have a feeling you'll probably tell him some of the stuff I said, that I think about it...maybe telling Hajime would make it easier to protect him...

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