Chapter 16~The Lackeys

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Nagito's POV:

Once Peko and I get to this hideout she was talking about, she sits me down in a nearby chair, "Stay here..." Peko says sternly as she turns around, "I need to have a word with my young master before we talk..." I sigh some as she walks away, looking down a bit. So Fuyuhiko's in on this too...go figure...I look around the room I'm in, noticing newspapers, books, and pages from books all over the place...some look to be taped or pinned onto a cork board. They all look to be about werewolf sightings and some lore...trying to focus on the pictures, my eyes fall onto a familiar image.

"Looks like he did give it to you...just as I thought..." Peko says as she walks back into the room. I put my hand on the charm as I look back at her, "Why'd you bring me here...? What do you want with this necklace...?" I say in a calm tone, despite being semi irritated. "How about you let us ask the questions here..." I look over to see Fuyuhiko walking towards me, "Where's Izuru!?" He asks in a frustrated tone, confusing me some. What...? Izuru...? I thought they were looking for Hajime...didn't they...kill Izuru?

"Izuru's guys killed him." I say, irritating Fuyuhiko more. "If he was dead that necklace wouldn't be here! So where is he?!" He says, Peko putting a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down young master...he's obviously confused..." she says as she looks at me, "Nagito...we need to know some information regarding to where Izuru is located..." she says, making me look away from her. I can't let them know about Hajime...

"It's just as I said...Izuru's dead..." I say, looking back over at her, "What do you guys want from him...?" I ask, Peko sighing some and walking closer. "Our leader needs him...they have unfinished business with him..." she says, looking down at my hand, "They also want that necklace your holding..." I grip the charm tighter, "Not gonna happen..." I say in a serious tone. I need this to get rid of Izuru...I'm certainly not gonna let them have it...

"This is a waste of time...let's just take him to the boss!" Fuyuhiko says, Peko shaking her head. "You know we can't do that yet...Nagito is important to the plan..." she says, surprising me some. Plan...? What plan...? "What are you guys talking about...?" I ask, sounding confused. "It's none of your concern..." Peko says, walking over to the cork board, "All you need to know is that the necklace your holding can't be given to Izuru...if he has it, things will end very badly for you and your friends..."

My eyes widen some, " you mean...? What'll happen to them...?" I ask, her going silent. Why won't they tell me...? Is it...really that bad...? I sigh a bit to myself. How do I know that I can even trust these two...I mean...they're working for a werewolf hunter...someone who's after my Hajime. I tighten up my fists some. I have to protect Hajime from them...I may not be a werewolf like he is, but I can still fight. I'm gonna take down that hunter somehow...but first I need to try and figure out why they want the necklace...

I think for a moment before looking at the cork board, "So what's with all the pages and newspaper clippings...?" I ask, making them both look over at the board. "If you must know, we're gathering information about werewolves...specifically the wolf from the legend." Fuyuhiko says as he walks over to the board, pointing at one of the pages, "Were mainly doing research involving his connection to the blood moon" My eyes widen some. The blood moon...? I know one usually shows up every couple of years, but...I look down and think to myself for a moment. Could this be why they want the necklace...? I know that there's a picture of it right by that picture of the moon...

"Does the necklace have something to do with the blood moon...?" I ask, Peko looking back at me. "That's what we believe, but we're not sure how it relates..." she walks back over to me, "It could be because of the power it possesses, but were still unsure...we won't know for another couple of weeks" Peko says, my eyes widening. Wait...ones happening soon?! That's not good...I know that I'll have to discuss this with the others, but...should Hajime know...? What if Izuru tries to take advantage of this...? Maybe...that's what they want...

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