Authors Note!

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Heya Guys! I wanted to thank all of you for reading my Werewolf Hajime story~ "Under The Moonlight" was so much fun to write and made me feel so many different emotions while writing it lol It's crazy to think that this story started out as a dream I had...most of my stories do, but this one was the most detailed one I've had in a long time~

Now...I'm sure your wondering about some of the things that happened in the last couple of chapters...well...they're setting up for a second story~! I'm not sure what I'll call it yet, but just know that there will be a second story following this one! ^v^

The one big difference between this and the new story, is that the new one will focus more on Nagito then Hajime~ I will say that the ideas I have for this second story will be fascinating to do lol I will also be introducing a couple of my own characters for it, so look forward to that~

I hope you guys are excited for this second story~ It'll be a while till I write it, since I have two others that I really need to finish and a couple I might possibly work on before it, but just know that it will be a thing~^v^

Thank you guys again for reading~! If you'd like to, check out my other stories! I'd love for y'all to read them if you haven't~^v^

Under the Moonlight~(Komahina)Where stories live. Discover now