Got Caught

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It was early in the morning when xiaozhan woke up. Yibo was still holding onto him he tried to get loose of his grip but he coulnt he was holding onto him really tightly. He turned around and tried to wake him up.

Xiaozhan: "yibo wake up I can't breathe"

yibo: "sorry I didn't mean to hug you so tightly are you ok?"

Xiaozhan: "yea I'm fine"

Yibo: "I will go cook breakfast, you could sleep more if you want, I will call you when i'm done cooking"

xiaozhan: "thank you"

yibo smiled a bit at xiaozhan and xiaozhan smiled back at him. when yibo walked downstairs to go cook breakfast, xioazhan couldn't stay in bed he decided to change and go downstairs but the sad thing is that he remembered that his luggage was behind the car when they came into the house now he has no clothes to wear. He opened the closet that was in the room there were all white blouse's it was yibo's work uniform he had no choice but to just take one and put it on. xiaozhan went downstairs to the kitchen he saw yibo cooking and said

Xiaozhan: "do you need some help "

Yibo: "It's fine I got it under contro............" As yibo was talking he turned around and saw xiaozhan wearing his shirt xiaozhan looked extremely sexy to yibo because the shirt was really big on xiaozhan that it covered his legs to his knees. so xiaozhan was not wearing any pants.

Xiaozhan: "sorry my luggage is still in the I borrowed your clothes."  Xiaozhan noticed that yibo was staring at his shirt and quickly apologized to him.

Yibo: "It's fine you could wear it of you want."

Yibo: "come here and try if my food is good"

xiaozhan walked over to yibo and he took the sausage off of the fork and ate it. yibo was going to feed him but xioazhan messed up his plan by taking it and eating it himself.

Xiaozhan: "your're cooking is really good"

Xiaozhan: "do you have a phone I want to call my mom"

Yibo: I don't have it my parents took it away from me. 

Yibo does have his phone with him, he didnt want to give it xiaozhan because he wanted to have some alone time with him and being locked in the house is also a lie too because yibo has a back up key that even his parents don't know about he lied to xiaozhan about all these things because he waned to spend some time with him.

(yibo's phone ringing~~)

Xiaozhan: "Is that your phone"

Yibo: ""

xiaozhan noticed that yibo lied to him and got mad and left the kitchen and went back into the bedroom.

Yibo: "xiaozhan........" 

(picks up phone)

Yibo: (Aggravated tone) " What do you want."

secretary kim: boss there is a whole bunch of work here if you don't come to work you are going to billions of dollars. 

Yibo: "tsk~ ok come pick me up"

yibo hanged up the phone and went upstairs to the bedroom to explain everything to xiaozhan.

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