Starting a fire

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Yibo: "sit down you haven't ate the whole day"

Xiaozhan: "What did you get me?"

Yibo: "I got your favorite sushi and your strawberry Mochi"

Xiaozhan: "Mmmm, it taste so good"

Yibo was just staring at Xiaozhan eat his lunch. Moments later when Xiaozhan finished eating he noticed that he ate all the food and didn't leave some for Yibo

Xiaozhan: "Sorry, I didn't leave anything for you"

Yibo: "It's ok I will just eat this........"

Yibo leaned into Xiaozhan's lips and kissed him. Xiaozhan was shocked and confused

Yibo: "Was the food good?"

Xiaozhan: "Yea...."

Yibo: "You taste good too"

Xiaozhan immediately know what Yibo meant he blushed really hardly and put his head down

Yibo: "Don't be embarrassed things like this will happen everyday from now on"

Xiaozhan: "Mm." (Got kissed by Yibo again)

Xiaozhan: "Stop it~"

Yibo: "Stay here when I finish working we will go home together "

Xiaozhan: "Ok." Xiaozhan was cute and quiet like a little bunny just sitting there staring at Yibo waiting for him to finish his work until someone knocked on the door. A women came in and she was holding a stack of files

Random women: ", these are the files you need"

Yibo: "Put it there."

Random women: "Ahhh!!"

The women fell into yibo's arms on purpose and the women didn't see Xiaozhan because he was at the corner and really hard to spot. Yibo made contact with Xiaozhan and Xiaozhan felt really mad he got up and went inside the room and slammed the door that's when the women noticed there was someone in the office the women got scared and fell right off of yibo's legs.

Yibo: "You're fired"

Random women: "Mr. wang, why I didn't do anything wrong"

Yibo: "You made my little bunny mad"

Yibo: "Security take her outside and she is never allowed to come into the company anymore"

Security: "Yes boss"

After all that mess is done, Yibo went inside the room to see Xiaozhan sitting on the bed with the pillow on his lap and his arm crossed

Yibo: "Zhan Zhan ~"

Xiaozhan: "Don't call me that"

Yibo: "Are you......getting jealous"

Xiaozhan: "No~"

Yibo: "Are you sure" Yibo sat on the bed and leaned close to Xiaozhan which made Xiaozhan move back a bit.

Xiaozhan: "Stop it~ you're too close"

Yibo put his hand on the back of Xiaozhan's head and pulled Xiaozhan in for a kiss. Xiaozhan was kind of Shy and pulled the blanket up to cover his face. Yibo chuckled a bit and started to pull on his tie and taking off his suit. Xiaozhan heard that there was no noise he peeked out the blanket only showing his eyes to see yibo's naked body. Xiaozhan quickly put the blanket back up to his face

Yibo: "Don't be shy Zhan Zhan, I am your husband."

Xiaozhan: "Don't come near me"

Yibo pulled the blanket to the side to see Xiaozhan long and thing legs (Xiaozhan is still in yibo's big shirt so he doesn't have any pants on) Yibo got onto the bed and pulled Xiaozhan in top of him now Xiaozhan is sitting right on top of Yibo legs

Xiaozhan: "Let me go I don't feel good in this position"

Xiaozhan kept on moving trying to get lose if yibo's grip but as he was doing that he didn't know that he already started a fire under him..............

Hope you enjoy 😉.

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