Bad news

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Xiaozhan was begging for Yibo to enter him and as he wished Yibo entered him Yibo thrusted in and out of the Xiaozhan and finally when he reached his climax he didn't cum inside of Xiaozhan. The next morning Yibo woke up extra early to cook Xiaozhan breakfast and prepare a nice and comfort spot for him to sit.

"Yibo What is all this for?"

"You need to be extra careful now you don't know when you might get pregnant"

"But you don't have to do all this for me"

"And later we need to go the doctor to go get a check up for you"

Yibo has been extra with Xiaozhan and did his best to make Xiaozhan feel good and comfy.

"Zhan Zhan I will be going to the company to get some work done stay and home and wait for me ok?"

"Can't I go with you?"

"Be good stay at home"


Xiaozhan was begging with his cute face to Yibo and of course Yibo couldn't stand against Xiaozhan's cuteness and gave consent.

"Ok fine I will let you come with me but stay in the room and don't turn the air conditioner too high I will be having a meeting outside at my desk"


They drove to yibo's company and as soon as they got down from the car the workers were lined up at the hallway and greeted them

Workers: "good morning mister and mistress"

Xiaozhan smiled at them and went to the elevator as Yibo followed behind him. They both went into the elevator and Xiaozhan started at Yibo with his cute face.

"Why are you looking at me like that"

"Yibo I kinda want some snacks can we go and get some snacks"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier we are in the elevator already"

"But I just thought about it now"

"Ok I will just my secretary to get it"


"But before that.....give me a kiss and I will let you get the snacks or you not getting none of it"

"I will give you one after I get my snacks "

"No, right now"

Xiaozhan pulled on yibo's tie and pulled Yibo towards him and kissed him

"Is this enough for you"

Yibo smiled and gave a bite on Xiaozhan's cheeks

"Why you biting me it hurts~"

"You look tasty"

Xiaozhan blushed really hard and looked down into the floor. The elevator doors opened and Xiaozhan went straight to the room but he couldn't find his remote control for his video games.

"Yibo where are my remote controls?"

"I took them."

"Why~ can I get them back"

"Don't play for too long it's not good for your eyes"

"Ok ok~"

Yibo pulled out the drawer and took out the remote controls just when he was about to give it to Xiaozhan he pulled his hand back.

"Give it to me"

"Give me a kiss"

"Why do you always want me to kiss you, you pervert"

"You're right I am a pervert and this pervert is your husband, and this pervert is going to kiss his wife "

"Yibo~ Stop you tickling me"

Yibo leaned into Xiaozhan's neck and kissed him on his neck leaving little red spots.

"Remember to not play for long"

"Ok ok I know~"

Not long after people came in for the meeting. Yibo sat down on the table with people talking about the company and business things. Xiaozhan on the other hand got bored and try to listen what was Yibo talking about but he couldn't hear a thing so he opened the door and walked out, everyone's attention went to Xiaozhan

"What are you guys looking at continue with the conversation"

Everyone got up and said

"Good morning mistress"

"Ha...haha...g...good morning"

Xiaozhan was kind of startled and walked over to Yibo he was looking for a extra chair to pull over and sit next to Yibo but he couldn't find one so he raised up yibo's arms and squeezed himself in between Yibo legs.

"Zhan Zhan stop playing around I need to work"

"It ok go on I won't do anything I will just sit here and look at you"

Xiaozhan positioned himself in a baby style so that now he is laying on yibo's arm and looking right up at yibo's face he watched as Yibo do his work as Xiaozhan drifted off to sleep. Moments later Yibo was done with the meeting and as his workers walked outside of the office he looked down to his bunny who was asleep he smiled and kissed him on the forehead

"Are you down with meeting already"

"Yea I'm just done"


Just when Xiaozhan was about to say something yibo's phone rang

"Yes mom, What going on?"

"Son I hate that I have to say this to you but you ex girlfriend is back from London"

When Yibo picked up the phone he put it on loud speaker so Xiaozhan could hear but this time it was not so good news. Xiaozhan's face immediately turned dark and looked at Yibo with a mad face.

"Who is this ex girlfriend of yours"

"Baby listen to me, I will tell you on the way when we go back home"

Finally found some inspiration I will continue this story thanks for the support wonderful people❤️❤️

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