Chapter 10

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In the morning when they both woke up Xiaozhan just thought about what happened last night he got very red and blushed he went under the blanket and smiled until Yibo came on top of him.

Yibo: "Don't be shy."

Xiaozhan:"Don't look at me"

Yibo: "Why not my wife is really beautiful how can you let me not look at you"

Xiaozhan: "I Just don't .....I don't want you to see me right now" Xiaozhan is really embarrassed and shy he didn't want Yibo to see this side of him.

Yibo: "I need to go get ready for work stay here and don't go anywhere"

Xiaozhan: "W...when are you coming back"

Yibo: "Why...does my wife miss his husband that much that he doesn't want to let go of him for even a second?"

Xiaozhan: "Stop teasing me"

Yibo: "I will be back soon, wait here for me"

Xiaozhan: "H...hurry up"

Yibo walk up to Xiaozhan and palmed his face and kissed him and smiled at him before walking out. Moments later Xiaozhan felt bored and Yibo hasn't come back yet so he went outside to take a walk (Xiaozhan is still in that one big shirt with no pants). Xiaozhan walked through the hallways and there people looking at him and whispering

Random person 1: "That must be the CEO's wife, how cute"

Random person 2: "Do you see those red marks on his neck, can it be...."

Random person 3: "Shhh..... he's coming"

Xiaozhan: "Hi can I borrow your computer for a moment"

Random girl: "Y...y....yes!"

Xiaozhan walked up to the girl and sat down on her seat and started to some things on the computer because Xiaozhan is really good at business he quickly fixed the girls report and added some advice to the document.

Xiaozhan: "I just wanted to fix some things on your document, next time be carful with the numbers"

Random girl: "T...thank you!"

The girl got excited and was very happy she picked up Xiaozhan's hands and shakes his hands to thank him Xiaozhan smiled at him and at the same time Yibo came back and saw this scene he clenched his fist and walked back to his office. Moments later Xiaozhan also came back to the office and when he saw that Yibo was back he happily ran to him and when he was about to give Yibo a hug Yibo stopped him.

Xiaozhan: "W....what happened"

Yibo: "I told you to wait for me, but where did you go?"

Xiaozhan: "I'm sorry~ Yibo I just went to take a walk"

Yibo: "Then why were you holding hands with one of my worker"

Xiaozhan: "Yibo~ What are you thinking she just shake my hand to thank me for helping her fix her document."

Yibo: "Really?"

Xiaozhan: "Yes"

Xiaozhan turn Yibo chair to face him and got on top of Yibo he sat down on Yibo legs and said softly

Xiaozhan: "Can I Hug you now"

Yibo smirked and and attacked for Xiaozhan's lips they kissed and felt each other body heat go up, moments later they pulled away from each other and hugged each other

Xiaozhan: "Yibo~ I want to change into some clothes. And I'm really hungry~"

Yibo: "I already prepared that for you"

Yibo: "Come on let's get you something to eat"

Yibo walked over to the couch and sat down Xiaozhan stood there looking at him.

Yibo: "What are you staring at come here and sit" (Yibo smiled)

Xiaozhan came over to the couch but instead of sitting next to Yibo he sat in between Yibo legs and act like nothing happened and started to eat his food. Yibo was surprised and stared at the back of Xiaozhan he smirked and leaned into Xiaozhan and hugged him by his waist Xiaozhan turn around and on his mouth was a dumpling that he bite half of Yibo saw and ate the other half of the dumpling from Xiaozhan's mouth and said in a deep voice

Yibo: "Today's food is especially good"

Ba dump ba dump~

Xiaozhan's heart started to race his face got hotter and hotter he got up from the couch and said

Xiaozhan: "I... I'm done eating"

Yibo: "Come on let's go and get you changed into some new clothes"

Yibo walked into the room with Xiaozhan following behind him they got into the room and Yibo opened the closet and took out the clothes he got for Xiaozhan when Xiaozhan was about to reach for the clothes Yibo walked right pass by him and into the bathroom.

Xiaozhan: "Where you going?"

Yibo: "Aren't you not going to change into some new clothes"

Xiaozhan: "Yea, But give me my clothes "

Yibo: "Come in, I will help you put it on"

Xiaozhan: "I..I...I could do it myself, I'm not a baby"

Yibo: "You are my baby"

Ba dump ba dump~

Xiaozhan's heart once again raced really quickly and blushed and walked into the bathroom with Yibo.

To be continued........

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