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Yibo: "are you embarrassed?"

Xiaozhan: (whining) "stop asking me?"

the elevator doors opened and they finally arrived yibo walked out of the elevator still carrying xiaozhan when they got into yibo's office yibo placed xiaozhan on the couch and started to pull on his tie.

Xiaozhan: "w..what are you doing"

After yibo took his tie off he started to unbuckle the first three buttons of his shirt then he leaned down gave a kiss to xiaozhan on his forehead

Yibo: "stay with me don't ever leave me " (deep voice )

ba dump~ ba dump~ Xiaozhan could hear his own heartbeat going faster and faster. as yibo said that xiaozhan blushed and put his head down not making eye contact with yibo.

Xiaozhan: "I'm tired I want to go to sleep"

Yibo picked up xiaozhan and walked up to a door and opened it. It was a room inside of a office he placed xiaozhan on the bed.

Yibo: "sleep here I will be right outside, just call me if you need anything"

xiaozhan laid down on the bed and put the blanket over himself yibo leaned down and gave him a kiss on the lips. when yibo pulled away xioazhan blushed very hardly and pulled the blanket over his face and said

Xiaozhan: "can you stop kissing me so often"

Yibo: "but you are so cute I cant stop myself. "

just when yibo was about to leave he came back again and gave one last kiss to xiaozhan before ruining out the door.

Xiaozhan was blushing and smiling under the blanket and moments later he fell asleep. when he woke up again it was already the afternoon he walked out to go see yibo but he wasn't there. xiaozhan felt a little down and went to yibo's office desk and sat down on his office chair he put his head down on the table and waited for yibo to come back

Xiaozhan: "liar...... you said that you will be here when I need you " xiaozhan started to tear up a bit and he noticed that he really misses yibo even though he just haven't seen him for a little while. tears started to trickle down his face. then the door opened and yibo came into the office. Yibo saw xiaozhan awake and noticed that he was crying yibo quickly put down the bags on the table and walked over to xiaozhan

Yibo: "xiaozhan, what happened why are you crying." yibo was wiping xiaozhan tears away while trying to comfort him.

Yibo: "xiaozhan don't cry, did I do anything wrong please tell me, I'm sorry foe whatever I did wrong just don't cry please "

Xiaozhan leaned froward and hugged yibo. Yibo was surprised and hugged him back.

Xiaozhan: "You liar...... you said that you will be here when I need you, you lied to me." xiaozhan cried even more

Yibo: "I'm sorry honey, its all my fault I shouldn't have left its all my fault don't cry your eye's are getting really red."

Yibo pulled away from xiaozhan and wiping his tears away again, yibo saw that xiaozhan was crying his heart ached alot he leaned into xiaozhan and kissed his lips for a long time the kiss was soft and comforting. when they pulled away from each other xiaozhan pulled yibo back to his lips and kissed him again, yibo was really happy because this little bunny of his is finally accepting him.

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