Yibo's past

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They got into the car and xiaozhan sat as far away as he can from yibo he was mad at him for not telling him about his ex girlfriend. the car was very quiet, yibo shifted his hand little by little as he goes to grab xiaozhan's hand when he got near xiaozhan's hand he used his pinkie to pick up one of xiaozhan's fingers and when he made sure that he could hold xiaozhan hand without getting him mad he intertwined his fingers with xiaozhan's hand and xiaozhan looked over at him and said 

"you got have explaining to do." 

"yes I know honey but you got to know I only love you and it will only be you" (yibo is looking at xiaozhan with innocent puppy eyes)

Xiaozhan gave consent and pulled him closer to himself and laid on yibo's arms and said

"I hope you keep your words..........tell me what happened between you two."

"this is a long story"

"then keep it short"

"It was the first year of college for me I didn't know what was love or the feeling of liking someone she came up to me and asked me if I wanted to be with her and I looked around me everyone was in couples so I just said yes. When I first started to go out with her she was acting like she was innocent she used my money to buy her luxuries and gave me a lot of reasons for what she needed the money for but I didn't know that she lied to me. It wasn't until two weeks later where I found her in another's guy bed."

"was it hard for at that time?"

"It wasn't hard for me it was like a pinch, I didn't have feelings for her in the first place t was like a game to me, and now its over "

"then why is she coming back?"

"she became the wife of the the mr. jing who owns the country third largest company"

"she really is a reckless person and gold digger how can she marry someone that is at a age where they could be her father"

"I just hope that she doesn't come to us and find us trouble."

" Do we have to go see her tomorrow."

"yes because we have business with the jing company"

The car stopped and they got off and walked into the house xiaozhan went into the room and yibo walked behind him. yibo noticed that xiaozhan was a little down so he hugged him from behind and said

"Cheer up a bit I don't want to see you so down my heart aches when I see you so sad."

"how can I cheer up when there is a girl coming for you"

"are you worried about me!? are you getting jealous!?"

"stop teasing me~" (xiaozhan is blushing)

yibo pulled him in for a kiss and hugged him and said in a deep voice 

"I know you don't believe me right now but have some faith in me I will always and forever be yours."


xiaozhan was going to say (I like you) but he just couldn't spit out those words there was something that was stopping him.............

Wait for my next update soon later in the day!!!


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