Another one!?

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Xiaozhan looked and Yibo and smiled

"You remembered everything?"

"Yea, just a while ago"

Yibo hugged Xiaozhan and closed his eyes to feel his little bunny once again in his arms again.

"I'm glad you remembered, did you know that my whole world almost collapsed when I know that you don't remember me anymore"

"It's ok no matter what I will always remember you"

Xiaozhan petted Yibo on his head and went through his hair with his long fingers, Yibo felt the tingles and looked up and Xiaozhan, Yibo put his fingers on Xiaozhan chin and brings his head closer to his and they kiss. Not for long the Babies started to cry and they broke the kiss to go check up on the babies

"What's going on why are they crying so much"

"They must be Hungry, I will feed them now."

Yibo stood there waiting for Xiaozhan to do something but Xiaozhan looked at Yibo and said

"Go outside for a while I need to feed them"

"Why do I have to go outside??"

"Because they need to eat"

"But they just eating what's wrong with that??"

"I need to breast feed" Xiaozhan said that with a red face blushing really hard and looking down on the floor. Yibo finally noticed what was going on and said

"It's ok I will just look at you"


"I'm your husband what are you getting shy for"


"Here let me help you"

Yibo took off Xiaozhan shirt and sat him down on the bed and brings over the baby one by one. Xiaozhan took the first baby and was hesitating to bring it to his chest because he was really shy with Yibo standing there looking at him. Finally few seconds later he brings the baby to his chest and the baby was drinking milk from his nipples. Yibo looked at the baby drinking the milk and he gulped thinking about how it's going to taste. Yibo got more mad at the fact his babies are doing things that he can't do, the more he thinks about it the more he gets mad after Xiaozhan was done feeding the babies and put them to sleep Yibo dragged Xiaozhan out of the room and into their bedroom.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm hungry too"

"I will go cook for you"

Just when Xiaozhan was walking towards the door Yibo pulled him back and held him at his waist and said

"I want to eat you"

Xiaozhan eyes widened and blushed trying to push Yibo away.

"I'm really hungry"

"Sorry I'm not serving myself, this is off limits"

"Too bad you don't have a choice"

Yibo pushed Xiaozhan to the bed and locked him in between his arms.

"You know you want me too, we haven't did it in a long time"

"That's only you"

Yibo lifted his shirt up and started to play with Xiaozhan's nipples and said

"I wonder how they taste like"

"Are you crazy"

"Crazy for you"

Yibo attacked Xiaozhan's chest and kissed his nipples to the point where they are bright red and he lets go.

"Just as I expected taste really good "

"Get away from me you pervert"

Yibo took off Xiaozhan's pants and lubricated his hole with his finger

"Ahh~ slow down~"

Yibo went in and out really quickly until Xiaozhan cummed and he took his fingers out and aimed his member at the entrance and right straight in.

"Ngh~ahh~mmhhh~ take it easy I'm about to cum again"

Yibo went harder and faster the room was filled up with Xiaozhan's moans and screams. Yibo kept this up for a good three hours non stop.

"Why do you have so much energy. We could always continue the next time, ahh~ Ngh~mgh~"

"It's because I can never get enough of you"

"But I'm......."

With the last thrust Yibo came deep inside of Xiaozhan and Xiaozhan screamed and collapsed on the bed.

"You didn't use a condom!?"

"No why?"

"You going to make me have another child!!!!!"

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