Chapter 23

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Xiaozhan thought for a moment and said

"let's the girl aqing and the boy ayuan"

"Aqing, Ayuan sounds lovely"

Xiaozhan and Yibo looked at each other and smiles. After four week of laying in the hospital Xiaozhan was able to go home the babies were being taken care of by their parents so they can have some rest and alone time, as soon as they step through the doors if their house, Yibo immediately picked up Xiaozhan and ran up stairs to the bedroom

"Yibo What are you doing"

"I have been controlling myself for almost a year, what do you think I'm trying to now?"

Xiaozhan got scared because Yibo looked like a beast trying to hunt down its prey

"Yibo we could do this tomorrow...... "

Xiaozhan didn't finish saying his sentence and he got kissed my Yibo the room was filled with kissing noises and moans.........(ya know what's going to happen)

Xiaozhan woke up on the bed naked and saw Yibo next to him he tried to get up but his back hurts, Yibo has woken up from the noise Xiaozhan has made

"Are you ok, can you get up?"

"Yibo~ my back hurts"

Yibo planted kisses on Xiaozhan's forehead and said

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control my self "

"Can you at least try to be more gentle next time"

Yibo smiled and hugged Xiaozhan. Today was also the day where Yibo has to go back to work so it will be only Xiaozhan and their two twins, Xiaozhan has to learn how to be a "mother" now.

"I probably won't be back by today remember to take care of yourself"

"I will don't worry, hurry up and go to work you have missed a lot of days "

Yibo kisses Xiaozhan and leaves out the door. Xiaozhan turned to his Babies and said

"I guess it's time for us to get to work "

Xiaozhan dresses up himself and his babies and heads out to go get groceries but On the way Xiaozhan felt like someone was following him he walked quicker as he push the babies in the carrier he took out his phone and called Yibo but just as when he put his phone to his ear everything in front of Xiaozhan went black some one has blind folded him and took they took him away from his babies and he started to yell but just when he was about to make a noise they hit him hard on the head and Xiaozhan fainted the last things he heard was the babies crying non stop.

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