chapter 19

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for the rest of the day xiaozhan couldn't eat anything what ever he ate he will throw up that's is when yibo was kind of worried.

"zhan zhan are you sure you are ok?"

"Everything is good except that every time I try to eat something I feel like throwing up"

"come on lets take you to the hospital"

Yibo and xiaozhan got in the car and drove the hospital when they got into the hospital yibo took xiaozhan straight to the doctor and asked him whats going on with xiaozhan the Doctor told yibo told wait outside while xiaozhan got a checkup. Moments later xiaozhan came out with his report on his hands and came up to yibo with his head down.

"zhan zhan whats wrong let me see the report"

xiaozhan put the report on the back of himself not letting yibo see

"l...lets go home first"

When they got home Xiaozhan grabbed Yibo by the hands and went into the bedroom and licked the doors

"Zhan Zhan what's going on?"


Xiaozhan didn't say anything he pushed Yibo to the bed and got on top of him

"Z....Zhan Zhan are you ok?"

"Look at what you did!"

Xiaozhan throw the report paper at Yibo face, Yibo picked up the report paper and reads it, yibo's eyes widened and looked back at Xiaozhan

" is this for real?"

Xiaozhan nodded his head shyly. Yibo sat up and hugged Xiaozhan

"But isn't it too fast"

"The doctor said that I'm pregnant for a month already"

"But the other times we had protection every time we had sex how did you....."

"It was the first time we did it you just came into me with no protection. counting from that day is exactly a month"

Yibo hugged Xiaozhan even tighter

"Stop it your hugging me too tight"

"I'm sorry I'm just too happy"

Yibo started to kiss Xiaozhan first he started at the forehead and to his lips the temperature between them got hotter until Xiaozhan felt yibo's dick erect

"Control yourself..... I still have your child in my stomach"

"I'm kind of sad right now"

"Why! You don't like this baby"

"I can't touch you for almost a year now"

"You pervert, good for you learn how to control yourself for the rest of these months"

"Zhan Zhan~ help me "

"You going to hurt our baby"

"I will be careful"

Yibo started to kiss Xiaozhan on his neck and took off his clothes he slowly moved his hands to Xiaozhan pants and took it off. Yibo turned Xiaozhan around and slid his dick in very slowly but this time he did not go all the way in because he might hurt their child

"Why are you going so slow, go in already"

"Zhan Zhan I might hurt the baby"

"Just go in and don't go to hard"

"Ngh~ahh~Ngh~mghn~hurry faster Ngh~mghn~"

When Yibo reaches his climax he quickly pulled out of Xiaozhan and cummed on his back

"Why did you end so early and why did you cum outside?"

Xiaozhan was really uncomfortable it's probably because of the baby it made him want more.

"Yibo~ come in I need you"

Xiaozhan opened his legs wide and stuck a finger inside his hole telling Yibo to hurry up and come into him.
Yibo couldn't hold how Xiaozhan is seducing him he went on top of Xiaozhan and went inside of him. For the rest of the day there were no rest between them until night. When they went to sleep Xiaozhan got up to go to the bathroom because he kept on throwing up this made Yibo kind of worried. They practically spent most of the night in the bathroom.
"Zhan Zhan lets go to the hospital to ask the doctor if they can do anything about you throwing up so much"


Xiaozhan was really weak because he has been throwing up for the whole night.they got into the car and got to the hospital. When Xiaozhan was walking to the doctor he knees weakened and was about to fall until Yibo held him up and picked him up bridal style. Yibo ran to doctor....

"Doctor what's wrong with him!"

"You young people need to be careful your wife has a really weak body front he start now that he is pregnant he is weaker than before especially he is a male that is pregnant so young man control yourself and don't go too hard"

Xiaozhan's and yibo's face went bright red

"Ok doctor thank you"

They walked out of the room

"Its all your fault you heard the doctor control yourself"

"Zhan Zhan it's your fault too You was seducing me"

Xiaozhan face went more red and hid himself in between Yibo's arms

Down the Hall way a lady was walking close to them

"What are you doing here?"

Xiaozhan looked up and it was yibo's ex girlfriend. She looked at Xiaozhan and the door they was in front of and asked

"You are pregnant!?"


"This is impossible.....Yibo you how can you"

"Will you leave us alone you are going to scare my child and my wife"

Yibo held Xiaozhan and walked out the hospital. Yibo's ex girlfriend was just Staring at them she then thought to herself

"Yibo watch it, if I can't have you then no one will, I will crush your child and your wife, maybe you will come back to me after it's all that bitch fault he took you away from me, I will get you back."

........................ to be continued

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