Being late

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xiaozhan woke up next to yibo and examined his face he smiled and kissed yibo on the lips and hid under the blanket he cant believe that he is kissed him his face blushed under the blanket when xiaozhan head popped out of the blanket yibo was already awake staring at him smiling

"w...when were you awake?"

"the moment when a little bunny stole a kiss from me "

"stop teasing me" xiaozhan put the blanket over his face again

" lets get ready"

"Y....You go first, I want to sleep for five more minutes "

Yibo picked up xiaozhan from the bed and headed to the bathroom yibo took off his clothes and got in the shower and reached out his hands to xiaozhan

"what you want?"

"come take a shower with me"

"stop playing around its too early in the morning for this"

"but I want you"

yibo took off Xiaozhan clothes and pulled him into the shower he held xiaozhan by the waist and leaned into his neck and started to suck on one place until he left a red mark. xiaozhan closed his eyes and when he felt that there was no more movement he opened his eyes.

"th.....thats it?"

"why? were you expecting more?"(smirk)


when they were done showering yibo held xioazhan's wrist and said

"bite me"

"what why?"

"just do it"

xiaozhan leaned into yibo's neck and bite him leaving teeth marks behind on his neck

"we need to wear low neck shirts today"

"huh? why?"

"just do it"

"why are we doing all this"

"I want people to know that You belong to me and I belong to you"

xiaozhan blushed and put his head down, when he looked over at the clock they were already one hour late

"yibo hurry up we need to go its late"

"its ok we can take a little longer I dont want to see her."

"but that is not good we have business to do"

"ok ok we could go now"

after some time they got into the car and drove to the meeting place, they got doen the car and went inside the building.....and there she was yibo's ex girlfriend xing as soon as she saw yibo she went on top of him

"Yibo~ I haven't seen you in a long time how have you been? I really regret leaving you Im sorry for cheating on you it was because I didnt have a choice "

"Get off of me" (said coldly)

"who is this your wife"

"yes my one and only"

xing looked at xiaozhan from head to toe and said

"yibo I cant believe you found someone like that to get married with I dont see nothing in particular about him"

xiaozhan's inner thoughts: do I look that ugly she is right Im not as pretty as her and I dont have have any talents either so why is yibo with me is it because his parents forced him to or is he playing games with me

"lets get to the main point where is the con that mr.jing told you to bring this is a big business we making here so dont make me break this business"

"yibo~ dont do that we still have business to do we could put our own business aside for now."

when yibo walked to the table to sign the contract xing came over to xiaozhan and whispered to him

"have you done it yet with him?"

"what are you talking about"

"did you have sex with him yet"


"it doesn't matter all you need to know is that he gave his first time to me."


Xiaozhan's inner thoughts: what does she mean by he gave his first time to her, did yibo really have sex with him, maybe that is why he was so experienced when we did it for the first time

the more xiaozhan thought bout it the more he wanted to cry he felt like he was abandoned and left alone he felt so helpless and finally tears started to drop, at the same time yibo walked over and saw xiaozhan crying

"zhan zhan what happened what she did to you why you crying"

xing quickly left



"did you have sex with her"


to be continued.

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