A kiss

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yibo opens the door of the room and sees xiaozhan sitting on the bed putting his head down and holding onto his knees.

Yibo: "xiaozhan"

Xiaozhan: "yes" xiaozhna lifted his head up and looked at yibo

Yibo: "I'm sorry i really didnt mean to lie to you"

xiaozhan: "its is funny to you to play with me like that"

Yibo: "xiaozhan its not like that"

(phone ringing) 

secretary kim: "boss I'm here, are you ready yet"

Yibo: "I will be there soon " (hangs up the phone)

xiaozhan: "you even lied to me about being locked up in this house?"

Yibo: "xiaozhan listen to me I really didnt mean to lie to you"

Xiaozhan: "what else did you lie to me about, did you also lied to me that you wont abandon  me?"

Yibo: "xioazhan listen to me I really don't mean to lie to you please believe me."

Xiaozhan: let's get divorced, I don't want to be with you anymore.

Yibo: "xiaozhan please dont do this to me."

Xiaozhan got up from the bed and went up to yibo and said

Xiaozhan: "let me go."

Yibo: "no. never in my life"

yibo carried xiaozhan birdal style and went downstairs to the car

Xiaozhan: "Wang yibo what are you doing let me go!!"

Yibo: "I'm not letting you go any where"

secretary kim: "b...boss that must mistress?"

Yibo: yes.

yibo carried xiaozhan into the car and closed the door. secretary kim drove them to the lan company and yibo once again carried xiaozhan out of the car and everyone on the streets were looking at the because xiaozhan was still in yibo's shirt with no pants, but it covered him good enough. All the girls that were in the company was whining because they saw yibo carry him into the elevator.

Yibo's fan girl 1: "That must be ceo's wife, how lucky~!!!"

Yibo's fan girl 2: "That's not fair!!!"

Yibo's fan girl 3: "I'm dying the ceo is married?!!!!"

A whole bunch of people was talking and whining. In the elevator 

Xioazhan: "Yibo can you put me down now." 

Yibo: "give me a kiss and I will let you go"

Xiaozhan put his arms over yibo's neck and pulled yibo down to him and kissed him on his lips, and right at this time the elevator door opened and a whole bunch of people saw the kiss scene xiaozhan was really embarrassed that he covered his face with both of his hands and hid into yibo's arms. yibo noticed that xioazhan was blushing he smirked and moved his head to the right signaling the people to wait for the next elevator. Then the door once again closed.

Yibo: "they all left, you can open your eyes now."

xiaozhan moved his hands away from his face and opened his eyes. 

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