Chapter 25

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Yibo eyes widened and was in shock he was about to tear up.

"How could you!!! If you have any anger you could take it out on me why did you have to hurt my family?!!!"

"Its all because of him he took you away from me!!!"

"I don't have time to argue with you right now, I want to see Xiaozhan"

"The only thing you are going to see is his dead body."

Yibo signaled his people to pull out their guns and pointed it towards xing and her people within three seconds there were gunshots everywhere, Xiaozhan heard gunshots from the room that he was in and he tried his best to make as much noise as possible so that Yibo knows where he is. Yibo had some of people stay outside to deal with xing while the other half went with him into the building to find Xiaozhan. Yibo heard noises and he crossed his fingers hoping that was Xiaozhan, he was hoping that it was him, that he is still alive, he ran towards that noise and knocked down the door to see two babies sound asleep next to a bloody guy, Yibo stood there and picked up the two babies and looked at the bloody guy for some reason he looked very similar, when Yibo took a closer look it was Xiaozhan who was almost dead. Yibo quickly gave the two babies to his guards and told them to bring them back safe and Yibo took off his jacket and wrapped it around Xiaozhan and picked him up out of the room and ran straight to the car.

"Hurry go to the hospital now!!!!"

Yibo screamed at the driver while Xiaozhan was in his hands, his hands were shaking and tears dropped from his eyes.

"Y....... Yibo really you?"

Xiaozhan had a high fever and plus all those bruises and wounds he had has been infected, Xiaozhan could barely breathe.

"Zhan Zhan it is me please stay with me it's going to be ok..... "

Yibo looked really nervous and hugged Xiaozhan tighter. The car stopped and Yibo quickly opened the door and ran into the hospital carrying Xiaozhan he ran through the halls calling for help, doctors came with the bed and took Xiaozhan to the emergency room. Yibo stood outside the emergency room with blood all over his hands and clothes he stepped back a couple of steps and fell to the chair he puts his hands over his face and waited for Xiaozhan. Hours and hours went by Xiaozhan was still in the emergency room, this made Yibo more nervous he strayed to pace back and forth informs of the emergency room then one of guards came up to him and said

"Boss we sorry we lost her."

"I don't care what you guys have to do find her and kill her."

"Yes sir."

At the same time the doctor came out of the emergency room and said

"Where is the patient family member?"


Yibo ran up to the doctor

"What is your relationship with the patient? "

"I'm his husband"

"Well the paiteint is fine now but because he had such a high fever and with so much infected wounds it will cause him to loose memory "

"What!? Will this be forever?"

"Depends on the patient himself, this is a 50 percent chance where is will loose memory but also not"

"Thank you doctor"

"Take care"

Yibo waited until Xiaozhan was being pushed out of the emergency room and into a vip room in the hospital. Yibo waited next to Xiaozhan until he woke up, it was about six in the morning where Xiaozhan started to open his eyes, Yibo didn't sleep at all he saw Xiaozhan woke up and helped him sit up Xiaozhan head hurts and said

"Where am I? Why does my head hurt so much?"

"Do you remember anything that happened"

"No. What happened to me"

"Then do you remember who I am"

Yibo carefully asked the question and waited for a response he looked at Xiaozhan's confused face and broke a sweat.

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