Chapter 20

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Yibo and Xiaozhan got home. Yibo immediately held Xiaozhan to sit down on the couch and covered him with a nice and comfort blanket

"Are you hungry, do you want anything to eat"

"No I'm fine I'm not hungry right now"

"Are you feeling bad or does anywhere hurt?what do you need?"

"Yibo calm down there's nothing to be worried about I'm fine"

"Ok just tell me what you need I will be right here with you"

"What about the company you not going to go back and do work"

"I left it to secretary kim he will take care of it"

(Knock knock)

"Who is it"

"I will go check"

Yibo went over to open the door to see his parents and Xiaozhan's mother

"Mom dad What are you doing here"

"We heard that Xiaozhan is pregnant we need to come and take care of him I even brought over his mother"


"Xiaozhan my child are you ok? How are you feeling"

"I'm doing good mother, how have you been I'm sorry that I haven't went to visit you"

"My sweetheart I'm all fine but you are you sure you ok being pregnant is really tough you will have to go through a lot"

"Mom I'm ok ,besides I have someone who will be besides me and take care of me " Xiaozhan looks over to Yibo who was talking to his parents

"Is he treating it good?"

"Of course mom he....he is more than what I can ever ask for..... I love him"

"I'm glad to hear that"

"Yibo you cannot be sleeping with Xiaozhan anymore, since he is pregnant we need to extra careful since this is our first grandson"

"What mother......I'm not going to do anything to him"

"Yea right, you my son I know who you are and I know your little actions I cannot let my precious little grandson be in danger from his own father"


"That's it I made the decision you sleep in the kitchen and Xiaozhan will be taken care of by his mother, you understand"

"But mother........"

"No buts, now go and pack your things and go the kitchen"

Yibo looked over to Xiaozhan with his puppy eyes hoping Xiaozhan will save him.

"Mother I think that Yibo would know how to control himself can you just let........"

"Don't try to talk good for him it's not going to work my dear"

Xiaozhan looked over at Yibo and shook his head, Yibo looked very sad and went into the room to pack his things

(Night time)

Everybody was asleep Xiaozhan was in his room by himself, he couldn't go to sleep he felt empty, when all of a sudden the door opened and it was Yibo he came into the room and closed the door behind him quietly and tiptoed to Xiaozhan and laid right next to Xiaozhan

"You can't go to sleep either"

"How can I go to sleep when you are not next to me"

"Me too, Yibo can you stay here tonight don't leave."

"I won't I will stay right here."

They both came closer to each other to kiss and then they snuggled with each other

"Why do I feel like we are in a secret relationship"

"Huh what do you mean"

"I'm sorry my parents are making us sleep separately making me look like a thief coming into your room at night"

"It's ok Yibo you have a couple more months to go until I give birth"

"What do you mean a couple of months more like years"

"Stop exaggerating "

"I'm not I don't know how much I can hold by self back I feel I'm about to burst anytime"

"Maybe Mother did make the right choice, I'm about to kick you out"

"No no no no baby don't do that to me I promise I won't touch you I just want to hug you"

"You promise"


"Ok then let's go sleep "

Yibo's thoughts:

When are these days going to be over ahhhhhhh😭😭😭

To be continued—————>

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