Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
3rd Person's P.O.V


Marinette and Damian worked on their project in silence. They even avoided eye contact.

Until Marinette's phone started to ring.

"I need to take this" she said with a serious tone. He just rolled his eyes in return.

She picked it up " Hello? Who is this?" She said annoyed. Yes she isn't in the mood for talking.

"Wow Marinette and i thought you will be happy for me to call?" Said a voice who Marinette recognized.

"Luka?!" She said happily forgetting that she was in an annoyed mood.

"Hey Bluebell how is everything going?" He asked making her frown a bit.

"I'm fine thanks for asking. What about you?" She said to him.

"Fine...but it isn't the same without you here." He said that making her blush.

She always thought that she had a place in her heart for luka and now she is sure that it's still there.

"Soo how is your Music and all" she said then mentally slapped herself.

"Uhhh yeah it's going great..and i just wanted to say that I'm coming to U.S" when he said the last word she was squealing.

"Really! When! And why?" She said really super fast that could almost make her mouth trip.

"Hahah slow down bluebell. I'm coming in these next two days. And because Jagged stone said he will show me to the world if i came with him." He said to her.

"So your coming with Jagged Stone? And wait...what will happen with kitty section?" Marinette asked with confusion.

"We...we disbanded....they didn't want me to go and they didn't like me contacting you,so that happend" he said with frustration.

"Oh I'm sorry luka! I'm always making problems to other" She whispered with sadness.

"No! no it's alright and don't you believe that you make problems marinette! Your the best thing that happened in my life besides music" he said which made her happy.

"Thanks luka your the best" she said but someone cleared their throat to realize that Damain is next to her.

"Ok luka i have to go ,take care" she said to him.

"You too. Bye Marinette " he said then she ended the call.

"What damian? can't you see that I'm talking to someone?"Marinette said to damian.

"Tt your wasting time and letting me do all the work. So come do your part!" He yelled at her. He was getting jealous of luka.

She doesn't seem to know why he is mad at her. It should be her mad at him.

"What did i ever do to you? Huh? " she said to him angrily.

"I Don't know what are you talking about"  he said to her with a Poker

"Don't know? Hahaha...sorry i thought you knew because apparently I'm a slut! " she yelled at him.

His eyes widen.....she knows what he said about her. But he doesn't actually mean it.

"Marinette listen i....-" she cut him off.

"No! You listen! I....i actually thought that you think of me differently." She said with sadness.

"Differently like?" He said to her " like...more than friends.." She said that made his eyes widen.then he remembered Drake hugging marinette.

"Tt i don't see anything between us! Just leave me alone" he said.

That made Marinette rage up " Fine! Then leave! " she said getting angry.

"Fine with me!" He said then went to the door.

But before he left he said " And i don't want to hear or see you again ! Ever!" He yelled then slammed the door.

Marinette was too angry to be sad. she sat and finished the project.

"Chloe is Right...he is a demon brat." She sighed and went to eat.

She took a poptart out and while she was eating it she saw Damian's phone on the couch.

"Stupid Damian ,always forgetting his stuff" she mumbled then took the phone.

As for damian he was furiously mad. He went to patrol so his anger would go.

But he couldn't stop thinking about Marinette.

He started to be a bit more violent then before.

He was punching a thug non stop but Red hood stoped him.

"Hey demon you ok? Because you don't seem fine" jason said to damian.

"I'm fine Hood! Don't talk to me!" Robin hissed to red hood.

Red hood just raised his hands in surrender and left.

Then Robins patrol ended so he headed to the manor.

But a while ago....

Marinette was about to leave the House but paul ( The driver ) stopped her.

"Miss it's too dangerous to go out in Gotham alone. May i Drive you to your Distanation?" He said almost sounding like a Gps app.

"Uh.... no I'll manage alone" she said blankly.

Paul knew that she and damian had fought, he heard them. He knew she isn't acting like herself now and wanted to help her.

She's walking to the manor alone in night . thinking about About how will she give Damian's phone to him without him being present.

She thought that she could just give it to who opens the manor door for her.

But what if damian opens the door? She doesn't want to see him or he doesn't.

But all that thoughts were cut when she was crossing the road without thinking and heard a faint ' look out! '
She lifted her head up to see what's happening....but it was too late.

She could only feel numb for a few seconds before hitting the cold hard ground.

She can see a bit of lights and hear faint sounds of people panicking.

The last thing she saw was the Blue and red light of the ambulance and heard it's sirens go off.


Yeeaaahhhh sorry.



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