Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
Marinette's P.O.V


Ever since Damian asked me out. He was in my mind. I got Detention for an hour because i zoned out in class. But that's not a problem.

I have to finish the dress today! Tonight is the gala! But it's not that much work but I'm still kinda worried.

"Marinette!" I snapped into reality. I was in front of my locker. I glanced to my left to see that Luka was leaning against the lockers.

"Hey luka.." I said slowly. Ever since he said that Damian was a ' bad person ' i kinda didn't care to talk to him.

"Why have you been avoiding me lately?" He asked.

"I..uh..was very busy." I said. But it's clear that he knew i was lying.

"Becoming Lila are we?" He said. My head was faced against the locker but snapped to him.

"Don't you dare compare me with her!" I said with a low warning tone while poking my finger into his chest.

He backed away. He didn't excepted that reply from me.he looked offended.

"Wow, I guess that Damian is rubbing off on you." He mumbled.

That's it. "What is your problem?!"" I yelled to him gaining some of the students attention.

"My problem? Your the one who Ditched me for that playboy!" He said that made me think.

"Luka , We aren't together you know!?" I said to him.

"We aren't! But we would have if it wasn't for him!" He yelled.

My eyes stinged. They were starting to get glossy and watery. "I love you Marinette. I really do." he said as he held my hand.

I gazed up to him."I'm very sorry for the way i acted , i love you." He said with sadness.

Then i refused to look at him. Then lowed my head. I removed my hand from his. He looked at me with disappointment.

"I..I'm sorry luka i..-" he cuts me off with an angry reply.

"Save it!" He said with venom .Then he walked away, I stood their looking like an idiot.

How couldn't i have saw this before?! He's too selfish! And i thought we can be good friends after this.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as a tear betrayed my eye. I quickly wipe it away and turn to see Tim.

"Are you ok Marinette?" He asked worried.

I plaster a smile " Y-yeah I'm fine Tim." i said, Then he sighed. "I have to go check Damian." He said.

"Why?" I asked him. His eyes widen,"well...hekindasawthatyouandlukawereholdinghandsandleftangry" he blurted out.

"What!" I said loudly. oh no,He must be jealous.

"I have to go!" He yelled then ran away.

I hope damian takes this lightly.


Damian's P.O.V

I was looking around for Marinette,I needed to tell her how i feel. It's killing me already, And I'm pretty sure she knows but i want to clarify.

I've wanted to tell her ever since Grayson has told me to do it.


"Sometimes later becomes never, Do it now" Grayson said.

I nodded my head slightly then sighed. "Fine I'll tell her tomorrow..." I mumbled.

"Eeeeee!" Grayson squealed.



I heard some commotion. I turned to see some students whispering and glancing. I followed them and saw Marinette with him.

I clenched my fist as I have gotten closer.

"I love you Marinette."

I can feel myself get furious. They're even holding hands. I couldn't see this anymore.

He got her before me. As if i had any chance...

I lose my chance.

Sometimes later becomes never.

I walked away from the scene. I saw Drake looking at me. I shot him a glare and went away...

I don't need to wait for pennyworth ,I can perfectly walk home myself. I started to walk when i could here someone shout my name.

I huffed then turned around. It was Drake. I don't have time for him. I rolled my eyes at him and turned away.

"Damian please listen! It's not what you think!" He yelled as he grabbed my shoulder.

I shoved him away.And glared at him. "What do you mean ' It's not what you think ' ? " i asked as if I'm oblivious to what he's saying.

He rolled his eyes. "You know what i mean." I just glared.

He sighed. "Marinette and luka had fought" Drake said.

I was confused. "Why? Weren't they being lovey dovey just now?" I said with venom. Wow I'm so jealous.

He smirked a bit but was shut down by my glare. "He said that you are a playboy that stole Marinette from him. And he confessed his love to her." I rolled my eyes.

"I already saw that.." I mumbled looking down. "But didn't saw that she totally rejected him." He said.

I raised my head up with hope. "You still have a chance." He said with a soft smile.

"Thank you dr.-Tim" i said which made him grin like a fool.

"You called me TIM!" He cheered. I glare at him.

"But not again..." I said then i thought i should go find Marinette. I walked pass him but he grabbed me.

"It's best if you tell her at the gala." He said with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?" I asked.

"Because it's more Romantic. As you say ' lovey dovey ' " he teased.

"don't you dare.." I threatened him but failed. He was already running home to tell everyone i said something like that. Why did i?



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