Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
3rd Person's P.O.V


"I wonder if the others notice that we left..." Marinette wondered. Damian was keeping his eyes on the road and didn't seem to notice what she said.

"Damian" she said snapping him from his thoughts. He glanced a bit at her. "Sorry...i was thinking" he said quietly. She raised a brow. "Thinking about what?" She asked.

"Uh...Tt it doesn't concern you..." He replied. She rolled her eyes. "Right...." She said.

She found it boring just sitting and looking at damian driving. But he did look so charming. Those beautiful eyes of his. And his sharp jaw line. His soft looking li- " You can take a picture. It stays longer " Damian said with a smirk and hint of sarcasm.

She blushed,She turned away from him and glanced through the glass window.

Gotham looked absolutely gorgeous. But when he passed people living on the street. She frowned. She sighed heavily.

"Are you ok?" Damian asked. "Yeah, Just peachy.." She replied. She realized that Damian was driving out of gotham. She became worried.

"Uhhhhh Damian? Where are you taking us?" She asked glancing at him.

"Don't worry, A place I've found before.." He said. She crossed her arms.

"If your going to murder me. You could have just said it.." She said with a smirk.

He turned to her a bit and focused at the road. "Tt why would i do that? Don't you trust me already?.." He asked her.

She had a poker face. And that worried him. Then she bursted out laughing.

"Damian ,i was just kidding. Of course i trust you" she said happily.

"Oh. Uh of course." He mumbled as blush appeared on cheeks. He was relieved,And also happy that he knows she trusts him.

" did you learn to drive this?" She asked.

"Grayson taught me." Damian spoke. "And does Bruce know about this?" She asked again.

"No. He thinks when i take it that i use auto-driver. Like I'll do that" he rolled his eyes.

"Have you ever thought that he already knows that? And maybe... Doesn't mind you driving.." Marinette stated.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean that it's kind of weird that you sneak out a lot of times. And he doesn't stop you at all...He is Batman after all" Marinette said.

He hummed. Then he spoken. "Does that mean he knows that we're out now?" He said smirking.

She giggled. "I think so". then Damian parked the Batmobile. Marinette was confused. "We're here?" She asked.

He nodded and motion to get out. She hopped out and gasped. There was a big cliff. it shows the whole city.

"Damian. This is beautiful." She said. He smiled and took a look. "It is..but" he trailed.

She glanced at him. He was already eyeing her. "But, Not as beautiful as you ." She blushed at his word,He also blushing, the tip of his ears were already red.

She looked down with a smile. "Thank you..." She mumbled softly. Mostly to herself. but he heard her.

Then he walked closer. Then he stretched his hand out to her. She glanced up at him with confusion.

"Maybe. We could finish that dance... If you want to..." He asked her while avoiding to look at her eyes. Afraid of rejection.

She smiled. "I would love to." She said simply. She tooked his hands. He glanced at her. His lips turned up.

With his free hand. He turned on a slow song. He slowly got closer to her. As more he got close she felt nervous.

What should i do now?! I really want to tell him how i feel! ... But. Now or never.!

Marinette thought. She didn't knew that he had the same thought as hers. She glanced up to him. Their faces were inches away from each other.Well,He is kinda taller than her anyway.

"Damian"" Marinette" they both started. They looked kind of shocked, He cleared his throat and looked away.

"You continue" he stated. "No, You start." She offered.

"No. Please you go on" He pleased. She couldn't argue him more. She sighed and nodded.

She was very nervous. Maybe he feels different. But that was her heads voice. Her heart says otherwise. She closed her eyes.

"Damian. I...i like you." She said. And avoided to look straight in his eyes. She swallowed deeply.

"I know you may not feel the same way,But i just wanted to tell you anyway... Ever since I've met you. I had this feeling for you . i use to have them for someone else. But i can't compare it to how i have it for you. And this feeling is Love . i think I'm Falling for you. " She stated. And then looked at him waiting for his reaction.

He had a poker face. She sighed amd looked down. Then unexpectedly for her. He gently lifted her chin. She stared at his green jade eyes. As he was looking at hers too.

"I feel the same about you too." He said. Shocking her. Then they didn't know how they leaned in more closely.

His eyes were flickering between her eyes and lips. Then the gap space between them closed. Their lips brushed against each other.

"Demon Spawn!" A voice interrupted them. They backed away rapidly. Damian cursed under his breath. Marinette face was red as Red hoods helmet.

"What do you want todd?!" Damian yelled. he has the right too, He did interrupted their moment.

"Easy there squirt! Bruce was worried about you two. Where the f*** are you?" Jason asked.

You can hear alfred scolding jason for bad language. Marinette giggles a bit.

"It doesn't concern you! Anyway were already returning home." Damian stated.

"Really? Because i can see that the tracker say's your in in the same spot" Jason said dumbly.

"That means that you already knew where i was! Why did you call really?" Damian grumbled.

"Oh! I just wanted to get updated at the last news of damine..-" Damian threw his comms and crushed them.

Marinette blinked twice. Then he turned for to her, Things are kinda awkward now.

"I-uh- think we need to return.." He said. She Looked away a bit.

"Oh right..." She said a bit disappointed,But brushed it off. She was hoping of finishing what they were doing.

I guess life doesn't want that. Or basically. The ' Author' of this book.

Author snorts. "Thats true!"



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