Chapter 37

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Chapter 37
Marinette's P.O.V


I wake up by someone shaking me , Now i feel dizzy like I'm gonna puke. I see Red hood?

"Jas- Red hood ? Where are we?" I asked shifting in my spot. I stretch and look around. We're inside a room without windows. And the door is pretty much strong metal. No way to brake it.

"I thought you'll know. How can i remember? I only remember my neck stinging like h*ll. And it still is.." He said rubbing his neck.

My eyes widen. "Lucy..." I mumbled. He looked confused. "How come you remember?" Jay asked me. I shrug at him.

Then Tikki flew out. "Your ladybug, You have healing powers remember? And that dart that shot you had strong drugs in it. Your lucky your ok.." Tikki said happily.

"How come Jason is fine?" I asked. He lifted his index finger. "Not that fine" he said rubbing his neck.

"Because he's an adult. And i guess he's used to drink and all..." Tikki mumbled.

"Oh" i said then turned to him. "Why would she kidnap you?" I asked Jason. His eyes widen.

"I may be a victim of circumstances.." He mumbled. I roll my eyes. "What did you do to her?" I asked seriously.

"Fine. I may have called her a cheater. And told her to stop meddling.." He spoke. I glared at him. He huffed. "It's not my fault that she's after you.." He said.

"Your right. But maybe you have triggered her to do this!" i snapped at him. Then the door opened slowly to reveal Lucy with a crowbar.

"Heyya! I was wondering if this crowbar was big enough,What do you think?!" She said with a crazy smirk.

Jason's eyes widen. He backed until the wall. "Don' dare" he said with sadness in his words.

She rubbed her chin. "Get a bigger one? Ya i got it!" She exclaimed happily. And closed the door after she left.

I turned to Jason. He looked traumatized. "Red...I won't let anyone touch you. I promise" i said. He snorted. "What are you going to do?" He asked.

"What i always do.." I said. I stood up. "Tikki spots on !" I transformed. I wasn't as dizzy as before. Now I'm fine.

"Lucky charm!" I Whisper yell. The lucky charm gaved me a crowbar. Just a ladybug themed one.

Jason cursed under his breath. "Really? That's what it gave us? please don't use it!" Jason said. I raised a brow.

"But Red ,We need to use it to save our lives" i stated the obvious. He snorted again. "After it completely end my life? Not so sure about it.." He said Sarcastic.

I gaze around to know how to use it. I glance at the door ,Nothing. What?

"Up, Look up." Jason spoke. I do what he told me. He's right. There's a vent. I can use the crowbar to open it.

"Hood. Give me a boost up" i told him. He mumbles how that's going work and all. I get on his shoulder as he lifts me. I gently hit with crowbar to brake the vent without anyone hearing us. "Why couldn't they give us a screwdriver if that's all it does?..." He asked . i shrug,"I don't know..yet" i say as i get ready to get in.

"Wait, Your not going to leave me alone in here are you?! What if s
he decides to give me a visit?! He blurts out .

I sigh. "He won't. And if he does. Have this to protect you..." i hand him the crowbar. I get inside the vent. "Be safe" he mumbles.

I nod. "Will too" i say then crawl into the vents.


"Where to go now?" i whispered to myself. Can't decide to go left or right. I took left. If it's a dead end i couldn't go back. Because the vent is to tight to turn in it. Now i can hear voices. I see vent with an open holes. I crawl to it , I narrow my eyes to see what's going inside this room. Now i wish i never have seen it. Ewww. I shiver as i continue my path to find a way out. Can't leave jason alone with that lunatic holding a crowbar.

Finally ! An open vent. I crawl to it and see that the room is empty. Perfect.

I land softly on the ground. Now to find Red hood and get out of here. i walk to the door and opened it slowly.

"Are ya sure your Daddy told us bring them?" A Joker goon asked Lucy who was Polishing a bigger crowbar. She huffed madly.

"Of course Daddy said that!? Ya think i would lie to ya guys?! He won't be happy when he hears ya guys doubted me? Would you want me to tell him?!" She snapped at them. The goons eyes widen at her.

"No! No! I wasn't doubting ya! It was just a question!" He said fast enough . She smirked at his cowardly figure. "Good.Now scram!" She yelled. He was about to leave when she spoke again. "And check the hood and girl , Can't let them run out on us." He nodded and he and left.

Now is my chance. I'm sure Jason can take care of himself. And I'm going take her down.

I walked out to her. After I'm close to her. She realized that I'm in front of her. She stood with a confused face. While holding the crowbar.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" She growled. I took a defensive stand and whirled my yoyo.

"Doesn't matter" i said than charged at her. it would be crazy to touch my yoyo's string. It would chop your arm off instantly. So she backed away from me.

"Oh your On !" She stated and swung the crowbar at me. I dodge it and nudge her side with my elbow. She groans then swings back the bar to me very fast that i couldn't dodge it.

"Ah!" I cry as i fall down. She cracked a smile as she laughed crazily. "Who are you!?" She yelled. I think she broke a rib or two of mine. i groaned but I'm sure I'll heal after some minutes. "Speak!" As she held smacked my leg. Ouch.

"Ladybug!" I cried. She laughed. "What kind of name is that!?" I was about to reply but one goon came running.

"The hood is out! He knocked all of us! And the girl is no where to be seen!" he yelled.

"What!? How could she escape!?" She yelled furiously. "Unless..." She gazed at me.

"Your her..." She smirked. She knows my identity. Oh sh*t.

"Then i have one thing to do.." She spoke as she was going to swing the crowbar. I closed my eyes and heard the metal bang sound.

But it didn't hit me? I peaked threw one eye. To see Lucy unconscious and Jason holding the ladybug themed crowbar.

"Looks like it came handy after all..." He smirked. I gasped. "What if you killed her!?" I snapped.

I can feel him roll his eyes behind his helmet. " Please, she's crazy. I'm sure she'll survive. And if she didn't. I don't care." He said. I shook my head with a sigh. He held a hand out. I tooked and stood but forgot about my leg.

"Ouch!" He held me before falling. "Are you ok?" i nodded. "Yeah. Just a broked rib and leg i guess.." I said. "Where is the joker?" He asked. My eyes widen. Remembering what i saw at the vents. And those noises. *shivering*

"Errrr... He's busy! And has nothing to do with this!" I blurted fast. He brushed it off . "Can i keep this?" Jason asked holding up the crowbar. "No can do. Take Lucy's" i took from him the bar as he pouts. "Forget it." He mumbles. I throw the crowbar up as i say " Miraculous ladybug !" Then Lucy was placed on a couch instead of the floor. Jason walked us out of the warehouse.

Once were out. I see the others just arrived. Robin hugs me as he had the chance. I rolled my eyes and hug back.

"Wow guys! You actually came in the right moment! You can take us home!" Jason said sarcasticly.



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