Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
Marinette's P.O.V


Now I'm lying in bed. Why? Because apparently i have to rest now,How? Alfred suddenly appeared at the cave and told me that i should be resting and not be in the cave. I guess Alfred is right but.

I couldn't go to sleep. So i keep thinking. Should i leave my room or not? I'm afraid Ninja Alfred will capture me...

I stood " Well here goes nothing..." I tip toed to the door. I opened it quietly, peaking my head out. I look left and right. Empty halls. I quietly get out of my room and close the door.

TO SEE THAT ALFRED WAS BEHIND ME WITH HIS ARMS CROSSED....i smile creeply at him and wave.

He just raises a brow. I made kitten eyes at him..Tikki had learned me that.

" know you have to rest" he said.

I sighed..what would tikki think..wait where is tikki?I touched my eyes. I froze.

Where were my earrings! I'm freaking out!

I grabbed Alfred by his suit. "WHERE ARE MY EARRINGS!" I said with anger.

He was frozen at my out burst. I cleared my throat and let go of him.

"I...I'm sorry didn't mean to offend you.." I said.

He smiled."It's okay miss. I know how much those earrings mean to you." He said .

"I hid them. Miss Bourgeois thought that I'm the best to hide them from any takers." He said while walking to bring them.

I sighed with relief. " I'm heading to see Damian!" I said loudly and left.


I found Damian suiting up. "What happened! Where are you going?" I asked him .

"The others comms were cut off. I think they're in trouble." He stated.

" I want to help too!" I said. Damian was surprised by my words. Don't worry even I'm surprised.

"No, it's too dangerous and your arm is still broken." He said.

"I've brought your Miraculous miss" said Alfred.

He hand them to me. I wore them. Then tikki came out.

"Marinette!" She said happily."Oh Tikki! I missed you!" I said while she was hugging my cheeks.

"I have something important to tell you!" She exclaimed.

"What?" I asked her."Move your arm" she said.

I looked at her confused. I moved my arm. She sighed. "The broken one.." She stated.

I look like a fool."Oh right" i said with a faint blush.

I move it a bit. My eyes widen.." It doesn't hurt." i said shocked.

"It's healed!" Said Tikki."but how?" i said to her.

"Since you've turned 16 your accessed the healing power of your miraculous" she said.

"Wait...I'm 16?...but that was a dream?" I said confused.

"Actually you did dream but while you were in a coma your birthday passed." Damian mentions.

"Ohhhh...I hope you still have my Presents !" I said. His eyes widen then he said "Fine".

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