Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
3rd Person's P.O.V


Robin, Ladybug and Chloe returned to the cave to make a plan. Harley said she was going to meet them at the building. As she will bring help.

But Robin didn't trust her one bit. He swore if she brought more goons he'll skin her alive.

Even ladybug didn't trust her that much but just went with it.

"What would you like pollen?" Chloe asked her drained kwami.

"Lemon macaroons.." Pollen said tiredly.

"-Tt- How are we suppose to have that now?" Said Damian.

Pollen rolled her eyes. Damian glared at her, She hid behind Chloe's head.

"You Demon!" Said Pollen.Chloe and Marinette laughed off.

Damian scoffed and went to the batcomputter. "Don't worry miss. We have emergency Lemon macaroons." Alfred smiled.

"We do!?" Said a confused Damian and an excited pollen.

Alfred nodded and went to bring some. We walked to see the bat screen. "Now what are you doing?" Asked Marinette.

"I'm hacking to any security cameras in the building." He said blankly.

"Oh" Marinette said. Damian kept trying and trying.

"Got it" He stated. The camera showed Gotham's most wanted criminals : The joker and his girlfriend punchline. Two face. Black mask. And Catwoman?

"Why is Selena with them? I thought that she only steals?" Marinette exclaimed.

"I don't know...i told father not to trust her easily." Said Damian.

"Where are the others?" She asked. he started to change from camera to camera.

"There!" Chloe pointed. Nightwing, Spoiler,Red robin and black bat were knocked out and looks like they were tortured.

"Where are you father?" Said Damian. Looking around between different cameras.


Marinette's P.O.V

I placed my hand on Damian's shoulder. "We'll find him. I promise." I said. He didn't say anything.

Then an incoming call came alerted. " it must be Batman" said Pollen.

Then when we answered it turned out to be jason.

"Todd? Where are you! " asked Damian with concern.

"I'm suppose to be with Batman finding joker...but i kinda decided to see Roy." he said.

Damian became mad. "You imbecile!" Damian yelled.

"Ok! Ok! Jeez!? Anyway.. I tried to contact the other but there comms are off? Any idea why?" Asked Jason.

Damian was rubbing his temples. "You idiot. They were all captured! Is that a great idea Todd?" Said damian sarcasticly.

Then jason hung up. "Here are the macaroons" Alfred placed a plate full of lemon macaroons.

"Yeah!" Yelled pollen as she started to eat.

"We have to go save them,With or without Harley." Said Damian.

We nodded. "I'm sure with my miraculous ladybug power, we can do it." I said.

He went pass us to the place were the batmobile was always parked, He started thinking.

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