Chapter 33

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Chapter 33
Marinette's P.O.V


Ever since what Damian said. I've been thinking about him. Nothing else.Every time i imagine him, I feel like I'm gonna swoon. Which is unlike me. Well in the past i swoon when i think of Adrian. But the past is in the past. Let it go...

I shook my head, I should pay attention to the lesson. But it's very hard to try, I can feel someone burn holes behind my head,And you can guess who.

My thoughts were interrupted when a girl. With bleach blonde hair with pink steaks and is up to a ponytail and with baby blue eyes. She knocked at the door. She had a big grin.

Suddenly everyone were staring at her. She glared, But not as good as Bruce would do. But they got the message. They all turned to their own business.

"Lucille Quinzel." The teacher said with annoyance in her voice.

The girl rolled her eyes. "It's Lucy. L-u-c-y!" She said with anger. Clearly they both have a bad blood.

"Fine, I don't even care about where you have been. Just sit down,And be quiet!" The teacher said while glaring.

Lucy shrugged and went pass her. She looked like a bad*** girl. I'm sure Jason would like her attitude.

She sat in the empty seat next me. I turned to Chloe. I mouthed ' What should i do? '.

She rolled her eyes. She mouths ' Ignore her '.

I huff a bit and turn away from her. Lucy seems to scare everyone. She glances at me. I keep a straight face and pretend to pay attention. Even though everyword the teacher says is ' la la la '. ( Reference ? )

"I know your ignoring me.." She whispers to me. Now i just feel kinda guilty. I guess i shouldn't have judged her before knowing her.

I turn to her. " I'm sorry. I'm Marinette dupain-cheng. " i introduce myself. She smiles.

"My name is Lucy Quinzel. Nice to meet you." She greets. "You too.." I said.

We continued to chat a for bit. Completely forgetting the lesson.  Then we heard someone clearing their throat.

"Miss Quinzel. Stop talking this instant. And miss dupain-cheng. I expect more from you..." The teacher said. i see lucy roll her eyes and backing up in her seat. I shook my head and pay attention.


After some classes, I decided to introduce Lucy to Damian. She did lit up when i told her. For some reason i guess. Anyway, Chloe said she had to go see Tim. Probably to make out in the janitor's closet or something..

Me and Lucy walk over to our table. Damian was there waiting for me. Well now us,We approach him. He smiles happily as he see's me. But when his eyes landed on Lucy. They fill with dull and darkness,My eyebrow furrow together.

We both sit next to him. We Lucy sits next to him. Well closer than normal space between people. He scooted away from her.

"Hi Damian?! How ya been?!" She asked cheerfully. She seems to know him,I mean everyone here knows Damian right?

"Lucy,Didn't expect you to return." He said a little annoyed. he had a poker face this whole time.

"Please. Why would i be away from you precious.." She says. What did she called him?!.

Then she kisses his cheek. my eyes widen Even damian was surprised by her actions.

Let me guess. Old lover? Ex ?

"Lucy-" Damian was cut off by some gasps from students. "Look at little old lucy! She's a boyfriend stealer!" A voice sneered.

Lucy's eyes pricked with tears. "Boyfriend? Who's?!" She asked loudly.

Damian sighed " Me and Marinette are dating.." He said. She let out a sob and hold it.

She ran away. I couldn't let that happen. "Lucy! Wait!" I yelled. i can hear Damian yell at me to don't go. But i feel this is the right thing to do. Lucy is my new friend. I hope so.

I followed her to the bathroom. She stopped crying Already. I thought that was good. But it was not.

"It's all your fault! Damian used to love me! Not you! You showed up here ruining everyones lives!" She yelled.

"Lucy! I'm sorr-" I was apologizing but she cut me by grabbing my wrists and pulling me close to her.

"Let go Lucy! Your hurting me!" I yell as she grips harder to my wrists.

"I'm the Daughter of the Joker and Harley Quinn. Don't you ever forget that!" She whispered and cracked up a maniac laugh.

"If you don't leave Damian,There will be consequences!" She sneeres and left. I feel broken. How could she say that.

"Marinette! Are yo-" Chloe appears next to me. She cuts herself with a gasp.

"Your wrist. That b****! I'm going to kill her." Chloe threatens.

"No Chloe, It's not worth it." I said to stop her. She had eyes of sympathy.

"Are you going to tell Damian?" She asks.

"No. He must not know this happened. If he does, Who knows what he'll do to her. Or her family." I said with sadness.

She raised her brows at my words. "What about her family?" She asked. I sigh. "I'll tell you later. " i said.


Damian's P.O.V

I didn't see Marinette at lunch after she left. And in class. She completely ignored me. Lucy was keeping an eye on me and her. I'm sure she did something to Marinette, I'm going to find out.

When i got home. I was studying for tomorrow's exam. I didn't have time for a Date today. So i pushed it to tomorrow. Me and Marinette didn't even discuss it.

I sigh thinking of her. I wonder what Lucy told her. Just thinking about lucy wants me puke. I can't believe she shows herself to me after what she has done .

Now, Somebody is knocking on my door. I close my book and turn to the door. " Come in.." I said.

"Hey demon.." It was Drake. i rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked. Why would he be here. I don't need anyone to annoy me than i already am.

"It''s about Marinette" he said as he rubbed his neck.

I stood up impatiently. "What! What about her Drake?!" I yelled.

"Have you seen the bruises she has? On her wrist to be exact." He said.

His words shocked me. "Did you have something to do with it? Maybe hurt her accidentally?!" Drake asked suspiciously.

"What!? No! How could i?" I yelled. He sighed.

"And why would you care?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"Dude. She's my friend,And i think of her as my sister." He said.

"Oh... Do you. Do you think Lucy had something to do with it?" I asked.

His eyes widen. "Lucy..Lucy Quinn? She returned.?" He asked.

"No sh*t Sherlock." I said with a duh tone.

"I can't believe it. She's crazy than before you know. " he said.

"Yes, I Can see and know that!" I growled.

"What should we do?" He asked.




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