Chapter 36

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This chapter is dedicated to :


I thank you all and the one's i mentioned the previous chapter for your amazing comments and votes!

Love you all!


Chapter 36
Damian's P.O.V


"Where do you think I'll take you to ?" I asked Marinette. She seems so lost in thought as usual. With those blue eyes. And her dark mysterious hair. DAMIAN FOCUS!

"Uh? What!" She said suddenly. I laughed a bit. She blushed and pouted.

"I said where do you think I'll take you to? " i repeated. She made an ' oh ' and thinked for a moment.

"The museum" She teased. I fake a gasp. "You think I'm that boring.." I faked being hurt.

"Maybe...and i think Dick is rubbing off on you" She giggled. I scoff at her.

"-Tt- Never.." I mumbled. She sighed in relief.

"That's the Damian i know" she said with a smile. I love that smile. I really love Marinette. She's....different. She see's me as damian only. Others like me just because I'm damian WAYNE . they always think I'm some kind of playboy like father. Even though he fakes it so nobody would question him being Batman.


"I've prepared us a picnic at a hill." I spoken.

Her eyes widen at my words. "Unless you want to go somewhere else..." I trailed off.

She shooked her head. "Picnic sounds perfect!" She exclaimed excited.

"Come on let's go!" She grabbed me. I laughed as we went.


We ate and enjoyed our picnic in peace. Marinette still seems kinda down lately.

"Angel?" I called to her. She hummed as she was glancing at the view of Gotham. It was beautiful, I found this hill and it's not so far from the manor itself.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. That question brought her attention. She cocked up a brow. "Yeah? Why do you ask?" She said. I know when someone sounds nervous.

"Your nervous. Please tell me if something is bothering you. I can help you beloved" i told her.

She hesitated before saying. "You promise you won't be mad.." She said like a whisper.

I thought a bit then nodded. She sighed. " and lucy a thing?" She asked.

God. I promised that i won't get mad. But now i am. I don't like anyone bringing that up. My face turned to a poker face. I tried not to. But i couldn't hold it.

She seemed to read my expression. "I-I I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ask! Forget i did!" She blurted out fast.

I glanced away from her. "No.." I told her. I glanced back at her. She seemed confused.

"I'll...tell you.." I was about to finish but she placed her hands on mine. I eyed our hands then traveled up to her eyes.

"You don't have to... What happened in the past is long ago.. Just forget it" Marinette said with a sad smile.

I twitched a small smile at her. I remove one hand and cup her face with it. We lean in and our lips touched. I felt like fireworks explode inside me.

suddenly she stopped kissing back. I furrowed my brows. I backed away but she fell on me. My eyes widen, Joker goons were in front of me.

I checked Marinette's neck. A drug dart. I growled and threw it away. I held her tightly. "What have you done to her!" I yelled.

Then Lucy emerged in the middle of the goons. "Lucy! You Brat! Wha-" i was cut off by something hitting my head from behind.

I fell down holding my head. Then goons came and grabbed Marinette.

"Marinette!" I said weakly. Lucy held a bat between her shoulders. "Don't worry love! Everything will be okay!" Lucy said excited.

And that's the last thing i heard before drowning in complete darkness...


3rd Person's P.O.V

Dick and Tim watched the whole thing from the window since the hill wasn't far from view. They fast ran out to them. But they were late already. Marinette was gone , And Damian wasn't going to like that. Despite being unconscious on the ground.

Dick and Tim carried Damian back to the manor. And tried to tell Bruce about what happened. But he had an important mission with the league.

Alfred stayed with Damian while he placed an ice pack on the hit he got on the head. Tim was in the cave trying to track her down.

And Dick being a Dick. Stayed with Damian. Awaiting to annoy Damian about the ' romantic date ' and his charm for Marinette. But Alfred warned him from doing so.

"Have you called Master Jason?" Alfred asked Dick, He nodded. "He doesn't pick up. Must be busy with the outlaws.." Dick said with a sigh.

Then Damian began to wake up. He held his head and groaned a bit. And as memories rushed threw his head. He suddenly tried to stand up but Alfred held him down.

"Pennyworth! Let me go! Ange- Marinette is in trouble!" He struggled but Dick held him too.

"Damn Damian. You like her and all but your more of charmer back there." Dick exclaimed.

Alfred and damian sent him a glare at this. "You saw everything!?" Damian growled clutching his fist.

"Y-yeah! But look at the bright side! At least we knew fast that Marinette was taken. If it weren't for us stalking. You would be still unconscious outside all alone." Dick stated the obvious.

Damian rubbed his temples and got up. "Did Drake at least track her?" He asked him.

"He's working on it.." Dick said. Then chloe came running to them. She was inhaling and exhaling air. After she calmed down.


Damian was mad that she blamed him for her being taken. But he knew she was right. He's mad at himself.

He was about to reply but Tim came fast as he could. "I found a lead!" He exclaimed. They all ran with him back to the cave.



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