February 2nd CONT Jay POV

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Chapter 5 will include Jay's POV

10:30 am parallel to Chapter 2 

Events parallel to Chapter 4


"Hey Carson! I'm going to run to the store. You need anything?" I say.

"Bro...what time is it? And no I don't need anything, thanks." Carson says half awake.

"10:30am, I'll be back later." I say walking out of the dorm.

While I'm out I get a text from Carson saying that he's gone over to sort things out with Macy 

"Huh, this should end well." I think to myself.

"Well. I better head back."

As I walk into the dorm I shout "Hey Carson you here bro?" quickly noticing I'm just shouting into a dark and empty dorm room.

I unload my items from the store and wait for him, but he never shows up.

I realize I have to grab a bite to eat because I'm extremely starving so I walk to the food court and order a foot long sub.

I walk back to the dorm to find Carson sitting at his desk agitated.

Concerned for my friend I say "Bro! Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Carson glares at me, "UH...let me count the friggin' reasons! Macy broke up with me, Brielle doesn't like me and I can't understand why my feelings are the way that they are. She told me to improve myself and to like get lost! What does that even mean? I can't do it Jay! My feelings all of them...they just...they...changed within a day I don't know what to do! What am I gonna do?"

 "Alright, I'll go try and sort this out okay bro?" I say trying to assure him.

Just then, my phone rings...

After reading the caller ID I say,"Hey Carson, I think I really need to take this call I'll be right back alright?"

"Yeah, yeah okay fine" he grunts. 


"Bri, I'm so glad you called. It's Carson. What happened? He's a mess." I say to her.

"Macy found drugs on him. I suggest you be careful. He wanted to talk to me so I advised him that he should work on improving himself if he wants to improve his relationship with Macy. But Jay..." I hear her voice shake.

"What is it?" I say calmly.

"Jay..." I hear her say as her voice tightens.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Jay, he tried to kiss me again and I didn't know what to do. I pushed him over and he ran off, but I'm kinda worried. What do you think I should do?" she explains to me.

"Well, what you're not going to do is leave. Wait right there I'll be over in 5." I tell her.

"Thank you" she says before ending the call. 


I approach Carson and ask "Okay bro, do you think you can handle staying here alone for a minute? I'm gonna go try to sort this out." I assure him.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Thanks, bro." Carson answers.

"Okay, I'll be back soon" I say as I inhale a shaky breath before leaving the dorm.


I practically run towards Brielle and immediately pull her close to me "Brielle! Are you okay?" I arrives finding her sitting outside her dorm.

Standing up and wrapping her arms around my neck she says, "Yeah, I'm fine."

She looks up at me and asks, "Why is this happening? He's day drinking in college and carrying drugs on him. What's up with him and how has he not been caught?"

"It's not technically school yet, starts tomorrow. I figure he'll get away with it until he can't anymore. But don't worry Bri we won't ignore the fact that he needs help. Our problem now is that he doesn't realize it. But, he's going to realize it sooner or later. How's Macy holding up?" I ask while trying to assure her with my sincere words. 

"She's pretty shaken up. She was in love with him or who he used to be. I wish we knew what was up. I hate seeing her like this." Brielle tells me.

"I wish we did too. But Carson's a closed book about these type of things." I say.

Brielle looks at me and says."Yeah...you know, Jay, I think I need to go and be with Macy right now if that's alright. Thank you so much for coming over. I truly don't know what I would do without you." 

I grab her arms and gently kiss her forehead before saying, "I'll always be here. You don't have to worry."

"I'll text you later." she smiles before walking back towards her dorm to which I return the smile before leaving back towards my dorm. 


I arrive back at my dorm but this time to find Carson sitting up at his desk calmly.

I approach him "Hey...I wasn't able to talk to Macy but I..." he surprisingly stops me from finishing my sentence.

"Jay...bro oh my gosh I want to thank you."

"Yeah, it was not a problem...really." I reply very confused.

"No seriously, I contacted my mom and guess what? My parents found a rehab center just outside of my hometown in Pennsylvania and I even talked with the administrative office here and they said I could still participate in online classes if I wanted." Carson says enthusiastically.

"Bro that's awesome." I say.

He looks at me. "But... you know that means I have to leave." Carson says. 

His tone shifts slightly, "I was so excited to be roommates with you this semester. You are the best bro I could ever have asked for. Well...maybe one day we'll get to be roommates for longer than a weekend." He says. 

I take a breath before saying, "Carson, I understand bro. You go and get yourself better. I believe in you! It was a privilege being roomies for the weekend and I know trust me, we'll have plenty of time to have more roommate memories later, but right now that's not important. I say back to him.


"You need any help with anything?" I offer.

"No." he scoffs slightly before looking towards the floor.

"What's up bro?" I ask him.

"Nothing...just that... right there...that Jay Collins vibe. I'm gonna miss it..." he replies honestly. 

"Oh and Jay..." he says.

"Yeah?" I say.

"I need you to tell Macy something for me." he says. 

"Sure." I say.

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