March 26th

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March 26th

Hi again! So...updates. Jay moved in on Saturday and I love his new apartment! It's so cozy and I wish I could spend all my time there. But anyways, in all the craziness I may have forgotten to mention that earlier this month I started working at an Italian restaurant off campus. Life is just as chaotic as normal. Please excuse my forgetful moments and yes, this past month has been exhausting, I know I say that all the time, but honestly I don't know how I even have time for anything outside of class. Today I'm starting my second week of work. I think it's like my 8th shift and I'm really enjoying the job so far.


"Hey, Macy! What's up?" I say, walking into our dorm.

"Hey Bri! I'm just studying. How am I supposed to know which gobo to use? Oh wait...then what gel do I use with it? Urgh!" she says.

"I gotta get ready for work. Are you working the play next week?"

"Yeah, I'm so stressed none of us are on the same page and we have a Q-2-Q Monday. I'm trying to figure out a good enough idea we could all agree on." she says.

"I can't wait for next weekend, I know you'll come up with something technically genius. Good luck!" I say.

"Thanks, girl." she says.

I quickly change, throw my hair in a ponytail and walk out of the dorm to my car.


Once I'm at work, I clock in and walk behind the counter. While I'm standing behind the counter awaiting customers to walk through the door, a guy I haven't seen before walks toward me and grabs a stack of menus, completely pushing me out of the way.

"Hey, what the heck! Do you mind?" I ask.

"Oh, no. Of course not." he looks me up and down before smirking and walking away.

I turn to walk back to my section to check on the guests when he suddenly turns back around and suddenly we're face to face. Well...not exactly more like shoulder to face? I've already explained my awkward height so let's move on

I raise my brow "Alright, how can I help you?" I taunt.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken you're working in my section and it's my job to look after you," he whispers sending a shiver down my spine.

I take a step back "Where's Cassidy?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Does it matter? Come on, let's go." he says motioning back to the kitchen.

"Okay, yeah, fine. No complaints here," I reply.


After my eventful work shift, I drive over to Jay's apartment for dinner

"Hey, how was work princess?" Jay asks.

"It was okay," I say trying to fake a smile, "But... looking at all that food made me hungry though, so I brought breadsticks!"

"You're the greatest," he says.

"I know." I laugh.

"I'll go and heat them up." he says before walking over to his microwave.


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