June 2nd/3rd (The Final Chapter)

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What a time it has been! Can't believe my first semester of college is complete! Since Logan and I are no longer together, I have decided to spend my summer in Florida. I leave tomorrow to go home for a few months. I'm excited about the change. I've missed home so much. So I guess I owe you all a better update than that. Logan did move back to California to be with Cassidy last week. And since then I've convinced myself and come to terms with the fact that I'm fine by myself... without him. But I'm not going to lie, I miss him... a lot... like more than I'd like to say, but I'm also happy for him. Macy and Carson have been and still are continuing to work through the dynamics of being "friends". I still think there's hope for them hah. And well, I think another update worth talking about is that Dylan moved to Maine! And since it looks like Carson is going to be staying around, yes that means that starting next semester Jay and Carson are going to live off-campus together! There just seems to be one more thing out of place. Something I need to fix something before I leave. I can't imagine a whole summer of feeling like this. Like I messed everything up.

I take my phone out of my pocket and sit on the bench under the oak tree in the courtyard.

Jay 💕😘

Hey. Are you busy? Can I come over?

Sure, you can come over anytime.

Is it okay with Logan?

Yeah, I'm sure it is.

Okay. See you soon.


I walk back to my dorm and retouch my makeup and let my hair fall out of its usual ponytail

And then I call a cab to take me to Jay's apartment

When I arrive at Jay's apartment my hands are shaking. All I'm thinking is that I hope he understands.

I knock on his door and he quickly opens it

"Hi." I say.

"Hey. Come on in" he says.

I walk in the door and he closes it behind me,

I turn towards him and look up at his eyes,

I half-smile, "So, I wanted to let you know... that I ended things with Logan."

"Oh?" he acts surprised.

I nod and start smiling

"Jay, I love you. And I'm so sorry because I never meant to hurt you. And truthfully, I was being honest with you when I told you I didn't have feelings for Logan. You wanted me to see if I did and I really only developed feelings for him because I hung out with him, because of what you said, I mean. I never would've hung out with him alone if you and I were still together, I promise. I love you so much and it's always going to be you. I don't want anyone else. I will run back to you as many times as it takes. I need you and I want only you." I say.

Immediately after finishing my sentence, he narrows his brows and grabs my waist before kissing me

he pulls away for a second, "Oh and I'm sorry too." he laughs.

"For starting that silly fight. I really never wanted to question you. I was insecure and jealous. My promise to you is that I will never stop working on myself as long as I'm with you. You make me want to be better and I've been through so much crap these last few months without you in my life. I love you Brielle Bradley." he says to me.

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